Forum Post: Michael it takes money to do your thing!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 10:21 p.m. EST by freeusa
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I saw Michael More on you tube yesterday, I think he still not getting the whole picture. Why? Before I continue on this writing, let me said I am fan of Michael, he is the man that woke me up from the evil empire of corporate America. So he said the 400 of those riches people in the US need to be afraid of 250milions of us... are you sure Michael? Are you sure we the people have the power? What kind of power? Knife and stick or better yet do we have military power? Do you want to be accused of treason? Wake up people the government is going to use their police, National Guard, and armies against those of people who threaten the safety of this country, simply put it the safety of this country runs on money if the 400 riches people with draw their money and move to somewhere else what is going to be this country left with? Nothing! We all going to go unemployment, and our tax dollars sure is not going to be able to pay for everyone in line. SO WHAT CAN WE DO? OUR RIGHT IS TO VOTE FOR PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO SERVE US. IF WE CAN NOT DEPOSE THEM TODAY, WE MAKE SURE NOT GOING TO LET THEM GET OUR VOTE NEXT TIME.
- DO you know how much it cost to run an aid in the news paper, or a 10sec. TV commercial? or how much money it will cost you to fly from New York city to Hawaii? or drove the bus around the 48 states? those are the cost for any election campaign, who is going to pay for all these for a campaign? Go home and think it over before OWS died in vein, we need to keep the movement alive but before we can do that we got to face one thing, money. it takes money for every thing in life. how we going to replace all those government elected official with our them paying for the election campaign and not owe any one a penny. If we got an answer for this puzzle then we might find a government for the majority people and by the majority people.