Forum Post: Mic Check Obama- The nation is waiting for SOMEONE to Declare "Screw You ALL". Give the people what they want!!!!!!!!!! 99% WILL PREVAIL...
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 5:58 p.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The nation has been waiting for this. Im hoping like hell some kind of formal declaratino denouncing Obama and the ENTIRE congress comes out shortly after this.
The people are tired of D/R Duopoly and their games. Only blind sheeple still buy it.
Time to start leading, OWS. Lead the charge, go in a different direction. The NATION is depending on you..
Mic.Check the President.
That's interesting. I think this idea has merit. I also think you might be surprised by the response.
What would you say if I said such a thing might hold the possibility of a very high profile dialog?
Were a Mic.Check arranged in such a way that it was not intended as confrontation so much as engagement - a two way street as it were -
it could be very, very productive.
If not now, then when?
Mic check the snot outta this fool. He is Wallst #1 friend, and doesnt give two craps about any here or any in the ME.
If they start Mic Checking Obama and GOP candidates at their rallies, then they will do what Steven Harper did in our last election in Canada. He actually screened every person who attends the rallies. He checked their facebook accounts and had them removed by the RCMP (harper's personal police force) if there was anything suggesting they arn't a die hard supporter. He had a young lady removed, a student, because she had a picture taken with the Liberal candidate. She was attending all the canadidates rallies to make an informed decision on who to vote for.
Oh well, who the hell is planning on voting for the fascist animals anyways?
They did Mic Check him! And they were protesting outside his stupid fundraiser the other day. Michael Moore came to my school two days ago and said something genius : "Maybe no star republican candidate has risen up yet because Wall Street's candidate is already in the whitehouse."
Thats very true. But that mic check on him before was pathetic, it was stating grievances instead of callin him out on his bullshit.
I for one would add to Michael's comment: The star Republican IS already IN the White House!!!
Barack Obama ran as the second Martin Luther King but is governing like a third George Bush.