Forum Post: MF Global Sold Assets to Goldman While It Was Looting Their Customer Accounts
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 4, 2012, 1:04 p.m. EST by nickhowdy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 4, 2012, 1:04 p.m. EST by nickhowdy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Here's a bit more on that suit from today
Between that and the Soro's discount bond deal JP worked out ---what a scam !
Chicago School, Neoliberal insanity....Wetiko people..
The only problem I have with that article is this 2005 law The biggest problems in our economy are due to the law changes that too place during Alan Greenspan's fed tenure, it doesn't really matter if the president was Reagan a Bush or Clinton, they all kissed up to Greenspan and much of the crisis happened legally due to law changes written by the ex-Goldman execs with Gov jobs. The outcome of this CME lawsuit and potential law changes that will put customers ahead of derivatives will be interesting.
I'll bet you there will be a settlement, no admittance of wrongdoing, and no law changes to correct the situation...Crap, but you already know that!
Greenspan....Even Ayn Rand thought there was something wrong with him and she was a loon herself.
LOL , I'm gonna bet the CME traders pull a win out of it, sadly I say this because I think oil traders will have some economic pull, but it could at least put some of those draconian laws on the table. I will humbly admit I'm wrong if it's the case.
You got it...