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Forum Post: metro NY misrepresented the cause

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 5:05 p.m. EST by BizEducatedSociallyConscious (68) from New York, NY
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[I tried to post this earlier in the week but issue with creating account] Metro NY is "supposed" to be a free daily for the people of nyc. yet, they misrepresented your protest yesterday [update: "earlier this week"] on their cover incorrectly stating you were "mocking the employed". HUH!??? What kind of spin is that!!!??? Any responsible and thinking person knows the intent of the zombie march was to represent mindless corporate GREED that hurts common, working PEOPLE. I am not a political person and have never written such a post, but you have FIRED ME UP, I get it, and Metro's unfair article opened my eyes to how media can misrepresent. I am confident people will NOT accept their slant and I hope there are many others like me who recognize it. Keep it up guys!!!!!!!! I predict Metro and many others will soon GET IT! Let's peacefully and patiently help them see it :)



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[-] 1 points by BizEducatedSociallyConscious (68) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Thanks for commenting Jalan. Regarding the instances you mention, I will take your word for it. And I still clearly see beyond that though. This is really interesting. It is like when the Tea Party started and they had to deal with extremist elements. There are and will be all kinds of views. It can be messy but I am highly optimistic the true, genuine message/intent will prevail and positive change will come from it. I do not accept that this movement is against the employed. This is a well-deserved and needed backlash and I hope our country, economy, sanity etc. will be better as a result. I dont know who you work for, but I dont think you work for plantation owners. I encourage you to continue your criticism to help weed out, educate or moderate the extreme views to increase the chances of this all moving in a positive direction :)

[-] 1 points by jalan (108) 13 years ago

It isn't a misrepresentation at all. There have been several people on TV at the protests that have commented that they would not accept a job from a major corporation. There have been countless posts here from being saying that those that are employed by large corporations and not supporting OWS then they are "part of the problem" for blindly following "the man." I personally have been told in these forums that I work for Plantation Owners. I'd say that is mocking the employed - no question.