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Forum Post: Message to Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 7:08 a.m. EST by guitarmywin (158)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Paul Revere was a clarion call for the townspeople to rouse from their slumber. He was told to shush at a certain point. He replied, "You'll have noise enough before long. The regulars are coming out!" I believe you are a patriot in the finest sense. I believe you want what is best for our country. I know your job is difficult. Right now, you are called to your higher purpose, the preservation and renaissance of America. Your action last night was surgical and admirable in respects (no wounded). We can work this out. I know you honor free speech and will work to preserve that right. You are in a singular position, for what you do sets the tone, you, like Paul Revere, can help uphold the moral principles upon which this country was founded. Your dedication to Liberty's Light, the torch, is needed, for it is in danger. It is up to you and all of us to keep that flame burning. You know the people won't be squelched, just as Paul Revere did what he must, so will we. I imagine Michael the Archangel watches with great interest over these events. Not only is the whole world watching but history will be forever altered from these events. My prayers are with you.



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[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Can he be persuaded to do what's right? I don't know. I think he would have had Paul Revere arrested for shouting. (I do understand your point, though.)

Could you do me a favor and click on the like buttons on all the 1st level comments (both pro and anti) on my post? I could only click once. -4 and past makes the discussions disappear. Thanks. http://occupywallst.org/forum/bloomberg-nycs-own-deng-xiaoping/
