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Forum Post: Message to ALL Occupy Protests and Protests alike.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 7:17 p.m. EST by tundradrone (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Message to all Occupy Protests To ALL Occupy Protests and Protests alike, You have done something so powerful and you strive to move forward bringing an end to Tyranny on a global scale. It is important to know now that your voices are being heard let your voice be heard loader in your VOTE. You are all in a position now to come together and support each other to spread the word to vote. Soon you must realize it is going to take more then just taking over the sidewalks, streets and parks. You have a United Voice that can influence the outcome of voting, petitions to change laws, the power to vote in, the right candidate for any office, to vote on term limits and give the power back to the people. Do not be influenced by parties that are trying to influence or buy your vote or are bought by lobbyists. Do not be influenced by Union Organizers, yes they want change but do not let your ideas of a Free America influence you in to either left or right party. Do not let them influence the direction, goals, and Freedom that is the truth about the movement of these protests. Soon you will have to seek shelter and warmth but the fight must go on and that fight can now be won at the voting booth. It is time to clear out the corrupt and NWO puppets from our federal government and local state government and show them that the 99% will make a difference in this world and the bankers, corrupt government and NWO puppets will not win in their endeavor to strip us of our freedom. Do not condone violence that will just lead to a quicker state of martial law and gives the police the excuse to use brutal force against the movement. To those in black and anarchists, join the movement in peace and non-violence or vandalism this will also give the cities local government and federal government the excuse to establish martial law and put thousands possibly millions of innocent people in jail taking away the FREEDOM you are all fighting together for. That is what they want you to do, uprise with violence so they can take away more of your Freedom. Remember this is a peaceful protest and our first amendment right! Protect The First Amendment Now!



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