Forum Post: Message from George Ure of Urbansurvival ( Coping: Support of OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 11:31 a.m. EST by nickhowdy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Coping: Support of OWS
You may notice this morning that there's an "I support the Occupy Movement" banner at the top of UrbanSurvival. I pondered this a bit, but eventually supporting OWS is the right thing to do. Just so we're clear, there are very simple reasons why...and a lot of this goes beyond OWS:
High frequency trading: Once upon a time the stock market represented a reasonable approximation of the bid/auction process. High frequency trading as changed all that. Today, the people who bought up most of the online brokerage outfits didn't do so because of their love of good service: Most are in cahoots or have their own HFT operation. Essentially, when I place a trade, I am not only having to size up a counterparty who actually owns the stock somewhere, I also have to size up how many computers are going to do what after I press the enter key.
Offshored Accounting: Major transnational corporations are screwing America by putting their "corporate headquarters" in offshore tax havens beyond the enforcement mechanisms designed to protect Americans. Go through the Dow 30, look at revenue and then look at taxes paid to the US and then compare that with your personal income tax rate.
Jobjacking: Neither of the corrupt political parties has had the gumption (balls if you will) to call BS on taking well-paying jobs and sending them to India. Anyone in their right mind would improve a leveling system of tariffs in order to either fund unemployment which has resulted from jobjacking OR give domestic producers a chance to compete. Third world crap holes pay less than a buck-an-hour. Transnationals play the spread and then cry "Poor!" as they skate on income tax. Bullshit, pure and simple.
Mexican Trucks: Once again, American jobs are being jobjacked by the Mexican trucks that are now sailing up US highways from Mexico. Again, I point out that BOTH political parties are slurping at the trough of the lobbying groups that have hijacked what was once a Constitutional Republic for which we stand, yada, yada, yada...
Pandering to voter blocks: For the first 200-years and immigration from umpteen countries, Americans were held together by a common language. Now, with poor (or mostly "show") border enforcement, the same trough-hoggers are pandering to the latest large (and many times illegal) arrivals in order to get blocks of votes. What? Did someone say bullshit? Where is the spending on Danish as a Second Language in the upper Midwest? Where's my Scottish flag to fly? Words like double-standards mean something? Oh, and the NAFTA Highway and North American Union aren't dead...they're still in the works, it's just going to be a slow frog-boil is all.
As long as corporations have taken over, anything that will fatten the corporate purse gets a green light (and a bunch of greenbacks to make it so) while anything that gets back to common language, well-informed population gets stomped. Yes, this is why Michael Jackson's doc is bigger news than our own government sending guns into Mexico which then get used on Mexicans and US citizens alike. Where's my blood pressure monitor?
It's comforting to know that there's "No evidence for extraterrestrials, says White House."
The point of OWS is that there's also no intelligent life in Washington, either. Too many people have seen the signs: "I'll believe corporations are equal to humans when Texas hangs one." Cat's out of the bag...Mussolini has one World War II posthumously, with his government/corporation merger and see how well Italy is doing?
The roots of the Tree of Liberty have been poisoned by excessive cash flows. And on that, I stand in solidarity with OWS. We need to demonetized sociopolitical decision-making.
Being open minded, though, I will drop the rants when...
HF trading is banned
When the Federal Reserve is audited (including the gold in Ft. Knox!)
When all entrants for political contests have equal funding
When transnational corporations are taxed to the extent they've outsourced overseas
When Mexican truckers and their rigs are off American highways. Who's country is this, right?
When Texas permanently gives up on NAFTA highways and ends the sale of toll roads, paid for by public money, being leased to foreign corporations
When naked shorting is ended
When the silver shorting manipulation yields big name crooks
When MF Global's bust yields big name arrests and what about the clearing banks role?
When the US balances its budget with tariffs on foreign goods
When politicians turn down money and start voting what they promised back in the home district and
When politicians come back from Washington no richer than when they left for DC....
Then, and only then, will I shut up and stop calling for change.
OWS is a catalyst for open discussion and finding a new way forward because the one the corporatists are buying for their sole pleasure and profit through "buying politicians" is NOT the road Americans are going down.
So help us God.
The more I think about it, the more I like your list. HF trading, naked short selling is a huge scam. Why not just give the Wall St. sociopaths a printing press to print their own money? Wall St. is all about simply outrageous looting.
Wall St. is supposed to be part of the financial service sector, supporting the larger economy. It's not an economic profit center. Ha, ha, ha.
It's George Ure's list..BTW.
Great list.
Let's go get the bastards!
(I had thought this post was going to be tips on surviving urban camping. Oh well. Great post in other ways though.)
HaHa ...