Forum Post: Men and women of OWS.... Noam Chomsky.... Ralph Nader... Michael Moore.... Chris Hedges.... Sergeant Shamar Thomas...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 2:33 p.m. EST by TIOUAISE
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Men and women of OWS.... Noam Chomsky.... Ralph Nader... Michael Moore.... Chris Hedges.... Sergeant Shamar Thomas... and others too numerous to name :
You are the GREAT PATRIOTS of the hour.
Thank you for being there, and thank you for being who you are.
God bless you and God bless our nation during this time of trial and throughout the long birthing process of A N E W A M E R I C A.
now can we see your last 5 years of financial data. lets start with the last six months first please
well said....demand the $money$ taken out of the political process...YES to campaign finance reform, YES to strict regulations on the extent of lobbying in Washington....spread it!!!
THANK YOU for making those excellent points! Folks, we are, all of us together, in the process of birthing A N E W A M E R I C A !!!