Forum Post: Meltdown Underreported: Warning: Do Not Eat or Use Ocean Source Products! Here's Why:
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 9:40 p.m. EST by economicallydiscardedcitizen
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is for all OWS people reading here who want to prevent themselves or at least minimize themselves from exposure to and ingestion of radioactive particles. It's true, radioactive isotopes with half lives of several thousand years and to complete decay, many thousands more are now in our oceans and seafoods with greater concentrations in 'bottom feeders' such as crustacea (lobster, crab) and deep sea fish too. I've been following the reports of Fukushima by this speaker as well as reports from Berkeley Radiological Air Monitoring site VIDEO UPDATE: December 14th, 2011 Fukushima - Could it Have a China Syndrome? Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen discusses whether the accidents at Fukushima were a meltdown, a melt-through, or a China Syndrome. Whatever the accidents are named, thousands of tons of water contaminated with plutonium, uranium, and other very toxic radioactive isotopes are flooding the site, the surrounding water table, and the ocean.
I feel terrible for the people of Japan.
It should stand as a lesson to everyone, world wide.
When a corporation demonstrates a clear lack of accountability,
the only thing they can be counted on to do
is lie.
Don't feel sorry for them. Toshiba was heavily involved in that plant and Japan knew years before hand how corrupt Toshiba is. If that company wants to keep evil companies around, they get what they deserve. Besides, if you're not japanese or nihonjin, you're called gaijin. It translates to foreigner but in japanese culture, anyone who isn't japanese is a gaijin and what you should take from that is they really mean to call people niggers, but they don't know that word so they say gaijin. It is really a awful place to be for non-japanese people. They won't admit it, but that's how they feel.
I know what gaijin is.
I still feel bad. It's terrible.
I feel sorry for the innocent people who aren't aware, but the Government of Japan knows what's up, and so do a lot of other people and they just look the other way. This was a country that took Toshiba to task for selling U.S. Military secrets to the Russians, and now they are trusting them with nuclear energy?
Me too, as with any disaster. Having visited there it greatly saddens me that the Japan I saw has been destroyed but there is hope! Today the following was announced: NBC is reporting that the Japanese Prime Minister reports that Fukushima has achieved "cold shutdown"
That's great news, but they still have one hell of a mess to clean up.
This is why we need LFTR's built to replace the coal plants.
you want to fire up breeder reactors?
because LFTRs use Thorium, are 100% safe with no threat of meltdown possible and we have 500+ years and enough to replace 100% of all energy used in America including 100% of all imported oil, and great article here :
well, I would note the following:
If the Fluoride fuel salts are stored in solid form over multi-decades, radiation can cause the release of corrosive Fluorine gas
a significant reduction in the needed waste containment period in a geologic repository to reach safe radiation levels (300 years vs. tens of thousands of years)
hysted from Wiki
sounds good though right?
Wind turbines pose no fluorine gas risks, and produce no waste that must be stored for 300 years.
It might be one way to deal with the issue of nuclear waste that we have not disposed of, but it still seems to have issues, and they need to be adequately addressed.
I wouldn't see it as anything other than a transitional solution.
It would be interesting to know why Alvin M. Weinberg was fired from the government program years ago.
It's too bad that Nikola Tesla isn't around to expand on his free energy inventions.
I've heard the name, not familiar with his work
If or when you ever see relatively silent unidentifiable flying craft with sizes ranging from that of a handheld camera to the size of a few football fields you might want to consider that perhaps their true origins are from top secret military research programs based on Nikola Tesla's work:
List of Nikola Tesla patents
Nikola Tesla with his invention, a wireless lightbulb powered by the electric field surrounding it. Below is a list of Tesla patents. Nikola Tesla was an inventor who obtained around 300 patents[1]worldwide for his inventions. Some of Tesla's patents are not accounted for, and various sources have discovered some that have laid hidden in patent archives. There are a minimum of 278 patents[1] issued to Tesla in 26 countries that have been accounted for. Many of Tesla's patents were in the United States, Britain, and Canada, but many other patents were approved in countries around the globe.[2] Many inventions developed by Tesla were not put into patent protection.
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ShowTheoretical and claimed inventions
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well there are no aliens, so I guess it's nice to have a name to go with the technology.
I take it he is now deceased? I'll bet the circumstances surrounding that event may prove . . . interesting .. .
on their boards I'm known as 'HotCaviar' here's more:
Are you 'Chicken' of your 'Chicken of the Sea' yet? I would be if I didn't know better and ran across the following link with cut and paste!
It's been a long while since my prior posts here but I have been visiting periodically and hope all are well?!
One thing that has caught my eye while observing other grocery shoppers is the fact that people clearly oblivious to the news of Fukushima dumping tons of radioactive material into the oceans continue to purchase ocean source foods especially frozen fish, crab, lobster etc. (in addition to milk and milk products, non-hothouse mushrooms etc.-items known to have the greatest potential for higher amounts of hot particles.)
The following link and info. feel free to pass around. I see canned tuna on sale constantly for as low as .62 cents per can, hopefully more people can become aware if more would share this important info. depressing the pricing further or eliminating ocean source radioactive foods from the marketplace. Fukushima: Season's Tuna Catch Taken Elsewhere, Fish Sold as Local
-Off my menu: All Seafoods because the oceans really are a military and industrial sewer! Yes, I will miss Anchovies on my pizza, fishsticks, red snapper, tuna (even 'chicken of the sea' is no longer 'worthy,'crab, fake crab (made with Pollock, an ocean fish), clam chowder, Nori Seaweed,Caviar etc... See:
Keep farmed fish and beef off your menu too. Beef is hideously gross. And chicken.
Completely agree and thanks for the tip so all can see your informed suggestion. In spring and summer months we freshwater fish in relatively secret spots a few times each season and buy organic locally grown and raised as much as possible.
I'm not much of a sea food eater, but every once in a while I do have a tuna sub.
I guess that'll have to stop now. I tried not to eat it too often anyway, just because of the heavy metals.
But you know,
I really don't wanna glow in the dark.
I wouldn't mind glowing in the dark...I'm night blind...
you might even be kinda cute with an ethereal yellow aura on a moonless night,
but as for me,
I think I'll pass.
; D
We need a little humor now and then...however, when I DO glow in the dark, I'll light your way also.
I agree. Interestingly, according to my husband and his 90 year old Aunt and Uncle back in the 1950's famous Spenger's Fish market in Berkeley after Hiroshima and the war was among many who frequently advertised 'Rad Free Fish' My father who was a teen in the 40's along with my mother were also aware of and suspicious of ocean source fish so we seldom had it favoring fresh water varieties. Post WWII there was also voluntary blood draws of citizens in Martinez, CA and memory of some who had very large goiters and other unusual illnesses linked at that time to fallout.
Anyone reading this who also has 80 and 90+ year old relatives, ask them about these things and they may remember some curious actions of fish mongers and city health departments post Hiroshima, nuclear testing in Nevada in the 1950's and any other information unique to that time.
It's not just the ocean life to avoid but also ocean source salt. Granted, the ocean IS the greater source of our WEATHER so therefore by avoiding ocean source foods you will be greatly minimizing exposure although unfortunately we will all be breathing and eating radioactive mankind released particles in our land grown and raised foods.
If you get Netflix, check out 'The English Surgeon' all those Russian patients with brain tumors were greatly exposed during Chernobyl disaster and it appears a higher than normal generation of 20 something year olds and under have brain tumors and brain cancers. Sooner or later all tumors should be checked for content of radioactive particles which are most likely the cause of the underlying pathologies.
To me this makes sense because it's not normal to have these types of radioactive particles ingested only to 'bang on your DNA' possibly causing disease, tumors and death.
Granted, we ingest radioactive K40 in Bananas (Potassium 40, a radioactive isotope of Potassium) but we've evolved to accommodate for it while enjoying a normal lifespan but we are definitely not evolved to have exposure to the hot particles from Fukushima!
There was a British physician who claimed we underestimated the threshold for exposure ever since we split the atom - she has been one of the major players that pushed to end exposure of the fetus to x-rays. Some places in the U.S. were still doing that as late as 78 I think.
So, basically what you are saying doesn't sound that unreasonable.
I mean, it is - but not from a scientific stand point.
I recall a chemistry instructor who mentioned that we all have Plutonium in our pee. A simple google search using 'Plutonium Urinalysis' pops up interesting information in addition to this: The Marshall Islands is where we did major nuclear weapons tests in addition to those in Nevada. To me, those people and the centenarian Japanese man who lived through Hiroshima are proof that Alice Stewart may be right. Add to that the punctuational nature of radiation from space/our own sun and the naturally occurring sources from earth ( think radon,Uranium,Pollonium etc.) as further counts to the balance of exposure and the fact that nature/the natural is 'not always nice' either.
I'd be interested in the name of that British physician.
I can't remember - she has books out. Let me google
I think it's Alice Stewart
Thank you very much!
Here's an interesting nuclear explosion image orginally shared at you can view at: 'This might look like some kind of microscopic organism, but it’s actually a high-speed photograph of a nuclear explosion. It was captured less than 1 millisecond after the detonation using a rapatronic camera, which is capable of exposure times as brief as 10 nanoseconds (one nanosecond is one billionth of a second). The photograph was shot from roughly 7 miles away during the Tumbler-Snapper tests in Nevada (1952). The fireball is roughly 20 meters in diameter, and three times hotter than the surface of the sun.
(via Wikipedia via Damn Interesting)'
Hope your morning and day goes well!
Lol! We need a little 'hot' humor in the midst of 'heavy' discourse;0)
Good post.
Glad you like it. Pass info. around to as many as you can and stay informed. Best from Reno, NV!
Meanwhile; back in North America.
Thanks for sharing concerning the accident in New Brunswick. Certainly Sellafields in the 1950's and now Fukushima dwarf it but does not mitigate the fact of release into our biosphere.
What really bugs me all to hell is that for a long time my understanding was that nuke plants were 'clean' because all they release is steam when in fact the opposite is true even during normal operation. This is why in the 1960's you had children with Strontium 90 in their teeth and bones and many clusters of leukemia and other cancers in those living within a 50 mile radius of the now decommissioned/replaced plants and of course whenever the rods are changed out there is release of radioactive material and at other times too.
We humans have released the nuclear genie to our benefit and detriment and there's no putting it back that's for certain.
The Revolution has a new theme song!
The Revolution starts here!
Thanks for sharing. There is always beauty when peace, love and acceptance is shared.
Check out this video on YouTube: 'What You've Been Missing'
However much this is true, I would hate this to encourage beef consumption.
well this is in addition to the millions of plastic waste floating around the ocean.
The best bet is to shift towards a raw organic (slightly alkaline) plant-based diet. Just mix a match different foods to meet nutrient requirements.
Another recommendation, grow your food within greenhouses to avoid the (?) chem-trail junk sprayed everywhere.
Thanks genanmer. I've known about the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' and also watch for updates on site Did you know they sent a team to get geiger counter readings shortly after Japan's triple disasters?
Yes. Additional testing at the site itself is also occurring as well.
The mainstream food supply is already messed up with gmos, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, artificial sweeteners, heavy metals in the water, processing, air pollutants from dirty industries, acid rain, unbalanced nutrients in fertilizers, artificial coloring, certain food preservatives, and all the usual microbes, bacteria we hear about.
Thanks. I wonder if the levels of radiation were likely much higher in the days and weeks immediately after the accident vs. now but at least they are trying to find out what is there.
'Scientists will be able to monitor radiation levels deep across forest areas in Fukushima, home to the nuclear power plant severely damaged in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
The collars will detachable remotely at the end of the experiment, which will last up to around two months, according to a team of scientists led by Professor Takayuki Takahashi.
We decided to use monkeys for this project because the territory they cover is very well known to us," Professor Takahashi told the Telegraph. "It's the first time such an experiment has been carried out with monkeys."
Forests in the Fukushima region are currently being monitored for radiation levels primarily from the air, with testing taking place most commonly from helicopters.'
Yes, on a similar note
After diagnosing the types of radiation and where the concentration is present phytoremediation can be used with plants and bacteria.
As for cleaning man-made surfaces
I wonder how the Japanese will be disposing of the Sunflowers as that question was not answered in the article. Some respondents from Japan seem to think they will be incinerated when permanently sealing them in drums would be more appropriate?
The problems with nuclear waste and this or any other nuclear accident are so great. I suppose when prevention of release and cleanup is impossible world governments opt for omission and we all wonder why there is a rise in cancers and cancer clusters.
What you can't detect through your five senses or if you simply cannot afford comprehensive radioactivity detection equipment(which most individuals cannot) the facts concerning true levels in our food and environment are hidden from most of us and many will die prematurely-kind of makes me think of conspiracy theories of population control since statistical assumptions can be made based on past nuclear releases from war and industry.
They may bury it under zeolite rather than burning them and re-releasing the byproducts into the air... but you never know when it comes to making/saving money off of a disaster.
During the meltdown itself, we have had the technology to use Geo-engineering to induce rainfall when their pumps weren't operating. It is used all the time with chemtrails (in addition to other reasons...).
In addition Michio Kaku was correct. We should have just buried the plant and sealed it off as much as possible.
But the nuclear meltdown itself is sad and completely unnecessary considering advances in both cold fusion and thorium... But even more powerful are alternative energies like geothermal which alone can provide 1000x more energy than is used in a year worldwide..
It's just too unprofitable for any highly efficient and safe technologies to be used. Money would have to be eliminated from the equation for abundant energy to be provided.
And now, the Japanese government isn't being completely honest with their citizens about food safety, and even where it is safe to live. But consider this... over 2000 nuclear explosions have been conducted around the world. Most of them have occurred within US borders.
Can't they drop a bunch of balloons, anything but using live creatures.
US conducting tests on nuclear explosion and radiation..
More evidence of the reality of military nuclear waste in our oceans Now, Please tell me what is the justification for consuming and using ocean source products in the 21st century?
Soviet Nuclear Dumps Disclosed
By WALTER SULLIVAN Published: November 24, 1992
Correction Appended
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Russian authorities have disclosed the precise sites where four nuclear submarines laden with missiles and torpedoes have sunk as well as the locations near the Arctic island of Novaya Zemlaya where several Russian reactors and other radioactive waste were dumped over the last 30 years.
The disclosures are part of Russian-American negotiations on how to monitor the dumped radioactive material and do what is possible to prevent its escape.
The negotiators on the Russian side included leading military officials, submarine designers and nuclear engineers. The American delegation was led by Dr. Charles D. Hollister, a senior scientist of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Reactors Dumped at Sea
Besides four submarines lost at sea, the Russians have said that several decommissioned naval nuclear reactors were dumped in shallow waters in the Eastern Arctic. These include four submarine reactor compartments, dumped in the Abrosimov Gulf in 20 to 40 meters of water in 1965 and 1966.
Three reactors from the nuclear-powered icebreaker Lenin were dropped into the Sivolky Gulf in 1967. A barge with a submarine reactor was sunk in the Kara Sea 1972. The submarine K-27 was jettisoned after an emergency with two fuel-laden reactors in Stepovov Gulf 1982. In 1988, a reactor was dumped with Techeniya Gulf.
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The United States Navy has lost two nuclear submarines at sea, the Thresher and the Scorpion, and has dumped one reactor, that of the Seawolf in 1959.
The radioactivity in submarine reactors, at least those of American design, has several layers of containment, including the reactor vessel and the fuel elements themselves. In addition the Thresher is being covered by ocean sediment, which may in time provide a further means of containment.
Of possibly greater concern is the radioactive waste dumped at sea. Russian authorities told Dr. Hollister that 11,000 to 17,000 waste containers, holding 61,407 curies of radioactivity, were dumped off Novaya Zemlya from 1964 to 1990. In addition, 165,000 cubic meters of liquid waste were dumped in the Barents Sea west of Novaya Zemlaya from 1961 to 1990. For comparison, the Chernobyl accident released about 86,000,000 curies of radioactivity.
Dr. Hollister reckons the amount of nuclear material within some of the Soviet sunken submarines at seven times that in the ill-fated Chernobyl reactor.
The Russian Government has made a strong commitment to environmental monitoring and protection, but Dr. Hollister said the problem was formidable. A large amount of nuclear waste is being discharged into the Arctic Ocean from nuclear weapon plants along the Ob River in addition to the many deposits on the sea floor. Threat of Spreading Radioactivity
Dr. Hollister noted that escaping radioactive materials tend to be absorbed by clay on the bottom but a new concern is the discovery of "storms" on the deep sea floor that could disperse the radioactivity.
In contrast to the earlier view that only gentle currents flow over the ocean floor, Russian measurements with current meters on the bottom in the North Atlantic have revealed "benthic storms" in which water flow reaches three or more knots.
Among the possibilities, Dr. Hollister said, is installation of a circle of devices surrounding a sunken wreck or dump site that detect escape of radioactive material and that perhaps even neutralize it.
He himself made a recent dive to the Thresher wreck and found it a shambles. The pressure hull had not imploded until it neared the bottom at 8,500 feet. This was clear because the debris was not widely dispersed. But the event was so violent that the two sides flew through and past one another as though the submarine was turning inside out. Its reactor and nuclear weapons, if any, will have to be watched closely.
A concern is the imminent decommissioning by Russia of 79 of its older nuclear submarines, since they have reactors as well as nuclear weapons that must be disposed of, Dr. Hollister said. Another 30 are in the pipeline.
In September, a delegation of American specialists led by Dr. Hollister met with an array of Russian specialists from institutes throughout Russia. The main purpose of their meeting was to discuss the dangers presented by the submarine Komsomolets. The Russians reported that the pressure hull had been broken and that radioactivity was leaking from the reactor but not at "radiologically significant" levels. Release of Plutonium
Damage to the bow, they said, makes recovery of the torpedoes impractical. The nuclear warheads were no longer watertight and they estimated that plutonium released as a result of corrosion might begin in 1995 or 1996. There was, however, no agreement among the Russians on the extent to which this might come from the torpedoes or reactor. The Russians made it clear that they hoped the United States would be similarly forthcoming and cooperate on the monitoring program
The decree by Boris N. Yeltsin establishing the Government Committee of Nuclear Waste Disposal in the Sea with representatives from more than nine ministries and agencies was promulgated on Oct. 24. It said in part, "Ministries and departments should provide the committee with all available documents, materials and information, including materials of secret character which have concern to the scope of the Committee and provide the Committee with necessary support."
Correction: December 5, 1992, Saturday A map in Science Times on Nov. 24 showing nuclear dump sites used by the former Soviet Union defined a unit of radioactivity, the curie, incorrectly. It is the amount of radioactive material in which 37 billion atoms disintegrate per second. Fukushima: Season's Tuna Catch Taken Elsewhere, Fish Sold as Local
-Off my menu: All Seafoods because the oceans really are a military and industrial sewer! Yes, I will miss Anchovies on my pizza, fishsticks, red snapper, tuna (even 'chicken of the sea' is no longer 'worthy,'crab, fake crab (made with Pollock, an ocean fish), clam chowder, Nori Seaweed,Caviar etc... See:
OWS Supporter has E.P.A. Radnet monitoring site showing realtime radiation levels for every U.S. City.
More info. and responses here:
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2012-01-01 21:09 Berkeley Radiological Air and Water Monitoring Forum
Please take a look at this website which shows real time radiation levels in the major cities.
Radiation level have been surging in the Bakersfield and Fresno areas since Thanksgiving time. It made me wonder where it's coming from either Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant or Japan.
I heard that Tokyo and other major cities in Japan are burning radioactive contaminated rubble from the Fukushima area which releases 33 times concentrated radioactivity into the atmosphere.
What do you think?
Someone e-mail the White House and let ms obama know about the lobster, its one of her favorites.
I sure hope this brings down the price of lobster! I love it but it gets expensive having it for dinner several times a week.
GE really does bring 'good things to life' (they're the ones who sold the nuke plant to Fukushima, Japan's TEPCO in the first place.
trich Syndrome
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2011-10-18 04:39.
Very little radionuclide test data has been released to the public for Alaska, Marianas Islands, British Columbia or the Lower 48.
The governments, nuclear industry, press and food industries are working very closely together. Their objective is to hide the truth about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
They have been quite sucessful, to date in preventing PUBLIC DISCLOSURE of the massive amounts of data collected.
Is the military-industrial
Submitted by Kenneth (not verified) on Wed, 2011-10-19 14:03.
Is the military-industrial so giant an atrocity that it depends upon this kind of insulting censorship? Sadly - Yes
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2011-10-19 14:22.
Apparently, the answer to your question is, YES!
From President Ike Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation January 17, 1961
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
You sure posted a lot of unverified submissions. Is that how all research is done at Berkeley?
The forum at Berkeley Radiological and Air Monitoring is public, monitored by various staff and was provided to allow the curious and informed to interact. Since I too am a 'layperson' the true researchers at Berkeley are only those identified such as students, staff and visiting or cooperating entities such as Lawrence Livermore Lab et al.
Due to the volume of responses there it's likely that corrections/refutation to fallacious information can and does populate many of the postings there and in the interest of inquiry I welcome correction and substantiated information from the professionals and students (who are also monitored by their professors there.)