Forum Post: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 8:54 p.m. EST by birddog
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why is it..... Conservatives want to deregulate corporations, but constantly write more laws to increase punishment and imprison people. Conservatives want to let corporations have their foreign income to be tax-free, but people only get a $80,000 deduction for foreign income and still have to pay social security taxes. Conservatives constantly complain about the UN which protects human rights, but never complain about the WTO which protects multinational corporations and can fine us if our laws aren't WTO compliant. Conservatives want to allow foreign multinational corporations with American based subsidaries to be able to make unlimited campaign contributions to our politicians and can outspend a large segment of our population. Conservatives want to execute people for murder, but never "execute" a corporation even for mass murder (Unocal in Bhopal, India). It's all about the $dollar$ for the politicians. This place is looking like France before the revolution. The nobles are the CEOs, Wall Street bankers and hedge fund managers. The church has been replaced by the corporations. The only difference is there is no one representing the people (the Third Estate). "American" Corporations can move their headquarters from the US and drop their citizenship in a day to avoid taxes mostly, people have to go through a ten year process to renounce their American citizenship. Once corporations drop their US registration nothing really changes for them as far as doing business in the US. They can even continue to funnel money to Congress. Once people drop their US citizenship, they can't even get a visitors visa to visit the US and they lose many of their earned benefits like military retirements, Medicare, etc. How did we get to this? It's all about the $dollar$ Why is it....... President Obama signs the largest free trade agreement since NAFTA. President Obama packs his cabinet with Goldman Sachs cronies. President Obama reauthorizes the Patriot Act. President Obama folds on universal health care and creates a feeding trough for the health insurance companies. Stands on the sidelines when a weak financial reform bill is crafted by congress and drags his feet on implementing many of regulations. It's all about the $dollars$. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
You're Right. We are Schizophrenic. Schizo. Propaganda is very effective in this country. People rely on network/cable news for the truth. The truth is missing. We have half Truths. We are Schizophrenic. Schizo.