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Forum Post: Mayor Bloomberg's speech was disrespectful

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 3:07 p.m. EST by hippocampus (0)
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Mayor Bloomberg's speech was disrespectful. He does not take Occupy WallStreet seriously. He told us to go look for a job. He is not even aware of the fact that many intelligent people have been looking for a job for the past three years with no success. THERE ARE NO JOBS AVAILABLE. I'm sure that he has NEVER been in that situation. You cannot be rich AND moral these days. Not just because you most likely had to do immoral things to get that way, but mainly because you see all these people around you who can't make a living and you enjoy just keeping these piles of money. And no - it does not make up for it if you gave a little bit of money to charity last year. Homeless people did not get that way because they just like that way of living. It’s the lack of money and knowledge that brought them to that. Right now the job of a beggar is more than what most of us have. It is not that we do not work hard enough. Poor people have always been working much harder than the rich. This issue is not going to go away. People may not understand that they are being used, but they sure can FEEL it. And they are getting more and more unhappy. The more the rich people get comfortable and the more they treat us as “that annoying group that is on the way to the gym”, the more expensive their price will be. The Third Estate cannot be carrying the First Estate and the Second Estate on its back for long.



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[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago


The collapse is already starting. Greece's economic meltdown & following anarchy was the beginning, the "money nuke" going off. Like the shockwave of a nuke, the ripple effect is rapidly spreading. The Euro is teetering on the brink, and may soon topple. If Europe collapses into anarchy, we're next.

Bloomberg and his bankster buddies are fooling themselves if they're denying it. All greed, no brains...

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

The reason Why Bloomberg was disrespectful is because he is SCARED and has lost Control of the middle/working class people.

Im sure he and his croonis are now experiencing sleepless nights!