Forum Post: Mayor Bloomberg
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, midnight EST by BonaFidePublius
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Isn't it funny how Bloomberg made his money from wall street, and now hes trying to crack down on a movement against it? hmm.. maybe coincidence.. or maybe hes just an ass hole? correct me if im wrong.. but him trying to make the lives of the demonstrators a living hell just prove the point more so that this movement needs to happen?
Oh and i forgot.. hes a philanthropist.. or "lover of humanity".. glad to know ya support the betterment of society Bloomberg!
Bloomberg stole generators from Zuccotti Park. 2 of them I dropped off personally a month ago. As far as I'm concerned he stole them from my friends in the park. Those occupying Zuccotti Park are heroes and they're standing up for all of us. We should deliver 20 more generators to the park.
Thanks for the positive message. If I was there I would buy one and drop it off
I am going to a protest in my area tomarrow and I'll see if there is something I can provied for them. I really appreciate what they are doing for America
Right on :) Solidarity.
Moreso, whether helping out those in NYC or not, is to keep preaching the movements core. Get rid of the Fed, and holding the Govt/ corporations accountable. No political ideologies needed, and I think thats something we should all agree on for the freedom of this country, and the world.
excellant message
Occupy the Mayor!?
all you need to know about bloomberg is that he wants to force restaurants to lower salt content.....what business is it of his?
Ha.. yep. political issues aside, seriously? how do you say your a philanthropist if you don't want other people to have equal chances to succeed.. Sure he may give money, but his donation selections are laughable at best. No betterment of the people, only money towards other large agencies..
He is not trying to crack down on Wall Street. He is trying to crack down on those who are trying to crack down on Wall Street.
I agree with you that his actions towards the protestors have proved the point that this movement needs to happen. He is trying very hard to shut down the protestors -- the First Amendment rights of Americans.
typo, but yeah... its funny.. another fun fact.. Forbes 13th richest man in US for '11