Forum Post: May your presence spak for the many
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 8:23 a.m. EST by SilentBob
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
“I feel as if… as if there’s no people and no human language left,” ……….”I feel that if I were to scream in the middle of the streets, there would be no one to hear it…..No, that’s not quite what I feel, it’s this: I feel that someone is screaming in the middle of the streets, but people are passing by and no sound can reach them” (Rand, 2004). Rand, A. (2004). Atlas shrugged: Plume Books.
A Rand, as you know, stood for everything this movement opposes. It is becomming more and more clear the people such as you are simply trying to hijack this site, and steps are being taken as we speak to put a stop to it.