Forum Post: Matt Tiabbi's blog today - good suggestions for remaining unbought & unbossed
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:04 p.m. EST by thebeastchasingitstail
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The article says, "the reality is that Occupy Wall Street and the millions of middle Americans who make up the Tea Party are natural allies and should be on the same page about most of the key issues." And if they were on the same page, the two movements would drive a wedge right down the middle of the establishment politicians in the Democratic and Republican Parties, marginalizing both of them in the process. This would clear out the filthy stables in Washington. The nexus between establishment politicians and their Wall Street cronies would be broken in two. No wonder they fear this thing. They can't control it.
Pretty right on, as usual for Taibbi.