Forum Post: Materialism disillusionment predictions 10 yrs ago
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:04 p.m. EST by clam
from Ledyard, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Like other well-targeted social commentary books, the sci fi "Scorch!" by A.D. Nauman was exactly right when it was published 10 years ago! Its fictional setting contains SO MANY elements that have now come true, SADLY. It predicted that product ads would be written into TV sit coms-they are called "Adstories" in the book. It predicted the runaway materialism and greed. It predicted the popup windows with ads that we get on our computers; those hadn't happened yet!
The characters struggling against this mainstream materialistic norm are the heros of the book. I really identified with them, and clearly the Wall Street demonstrators had also had enough of this greed and its consequences.
If you haven't read "Scorch!" yet, get it, and i think you'll be amazed. It's also just a great story... :)