Forum Post: March in front of the government buildings. The government is run by Wall Street Officials. The government is corrupted. Politicians are Puppets
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 11:51 a.m. EST by marcelamejia
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I support your cause!!!
Why don’t you march in front of the government buildings? Especially why there is no presence in Washington in front of the White house. Wall Street is part of the government; there are government officials that were CEO’s of the Wall Street companies that cause the problems we are having today. The government is not only corrupted, but they are puppets of Wall Street officials.
I also think that camping in parks is not the best strategy. The groups should use the money to organize and create campaigns advertisements in papers and magazines to tell the story of what Wall Street officials have done and are still doing today. Today they have infiltrated the government. People should be educated with these facts. You should tell the story, in simple language. When people know the facts they can get more passionate about the reason they are fighting for.
The movie the Inside Job should be advertised, it is a great way to tell the story and get people to understand what your movement is about. Most people are not aware of the type of crooks that are running the government.
For example Henry Paulson is an American banker who served as the 74th United States Secretary of the Treasury. He previously served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. Timothy Geithner decided that Lehman must go into bankruptcy, which resulted in a collapse of the commercial paper market. On September 17, the insolvent AIG was taken over by the government. The next day, Paulson and Fed chairman Ben Bernanke asked Congress for $700 billion to bail out the banks. The global financial system became paralyzed. On October 3, 2008, President Bush signed the Troubled Asset Relief Program, but global stock markets continued to fall. Layoffs and foreclosures continued with unemployment rising to 10% in the U.S. and the European Union. By December 2008, GM and Chrysler also faced bankruptcy. Foreclosures in the U.S. reached unprecedented levels.
The movie the Inside Job is a 2010 documentary film about the late-2000s financial crisis directed by Charles H. Ferguson. The film is described by Ferguson as being about "the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry and the consequences of that systemic corruption."[3] In five parts, the film explores how changes in the policy environment and banking practices helped create the financial crisis. Inside Job was well received by film critics who praised its pacing, research, and exposition of complex material.
We Will March and We Will Overcome..Party at the Rose Garden, Obamas buying the beer..