Forum Post: Many Thanks to you OWS dummies...Citigroup, the third-largest U.S. bank by assets, reported net income of $3.8 billion
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 8:43 a.m. EST by happybanker
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Keep overdrafting those accounts and paying those fees...Please don't figure out how to balance your checkbook or our net income will be affected...BAAHAAA
The post proves that it is harder to conceal ignorance than to acquire knowledge.
3.8 Billion in the past 3 months. Things are getting better. Let's all be Happy!
We're going to nationalize them instead. Thanks for your input though.
Aren't they already nationalized? It seems so to me.. the gov't gives them special advantages(first access to new money from the federal reserve), monopoly status on equity and bond trading, etc.
Break them up first.
Hardly. We made 3.8BILLION in the past 3 months. Rates are low but higher fees helped offset that. Can you say WINNING.
No - Rolling. In profits and we are Happy Happy!
Their earnings contained two large nonrecurring items. Just so you know.
Still beat the Street Expectation of 83 cents just so you know. All I know is that my 3rd Quarter bonus soared and that makes my Happy!
Isn't it true that you are just afraid Citi is going to get bad press and lawsuits for false imprisonment?
It's the government that imprisons people, not corporations.
LOL.....apparently, its both. Citibank falsely imprisoned people, locking them inside a bank....then the police backed them up.
Not just the police. The entire institution of government is force. We should limit the amount of force it is allowed to exert, and the corporations will no longer coddle up to it to gain favor, special status, and benefit.
Very well. This is the libertarian point of view. Point well made.
No, I am afraid though. I'm afraid that the typical OWS dummy will figure out how to balance their checkbook and our Overdraft fee revenue will go down. That could hurt my Bonus and Happy wouldn't be very Happy!
The typical "OWS dummy" has probably moved their money out of your predatory institution and into a local credit union.
They tried to but they were overdrawn so they owe me money to close it. And that makes Happy very Happy.
Are we using a fucking bank account to hold donations?! Are you SERIOUS!? Find a god dammed credit union!
Amalgamated Bank is a national bank owned by the Workers United/SEIU labor union. It was founded by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America in 1923.[1] It is headquartered in New York City.[2] Amalgamated Bank is the only bank in the United States wholly owned by a labor union. It is chiefly located in New York City, but with branches in California, the District of Columbia, Nevada, and New Jersey.
Yes, please do...CU's invest their excess capital in Govt or Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debt..Those were the debt instruments that were sold to fund our bailouts....BAAAHAAA
All credit unions or thrift institutions invest there capital in " Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debt," at least my CU doesn't. Please list your sources of information.
You better check their balance sheet again. By law, its the only thing they can invest in. BAAHAAA
There are good local banks, that put service first. It is a matter of choosing a good one.
That said, most of my cash is in a credit union, but the account for a tiny side business is in a local bank that has been just fine to deal with.
Thank you...we need them to buy the bonds with their excess capital so Fannie and Freddie will have the money to buy our junky loans.
take you money out of the banks and find a credit union. Quit Paying for you own abuse!
Hey OWS dummy...Yes, please support the Credit Unions...We need them in case we need another bailout....Do some research on what CU's invest their excess capital in...What you will find is that they buy Govt Bonds or Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Bonds....Those bonds were issued to provide the money for our bailouts...So yes, we definately need the CU's investments....BAAAHHAAAA
Once again, when you can't win an argument with logic, bullies use name calling and misdirection. This post was about the fees being charged by these out of touch oligarchs. They want to treat the 99% as their personal resource. We must bring regulations back with teeth that won't allow this rape of the people to continue.
Yes, it is time to ignore the ignorant and focus on real reform. Regulating the banking industry should have been job #1 when we saw what the Reagan deregulation lead to. Personally, I think we should just nationalize all the banks and fire the money-changers.
Sorry I pointed out the truth about CU's reserve portfolios but I've been in this business a long time. And our fees aren't THAT high. Is $5/ mo too much to ask for privilege to use our debit cards? That won't break anyone!
and once again your post is disruptive and irrelevant. I don't pay ANY fees. And I only have to have $100 in my account. Why would I pay to get MY MONEY? if you're stupid enough or just gullible enough to pay them to use your own money, I have a bridge I'd love to sell you.
Will Daddy co-sign?
I don't know, roll over and ask him.
He said you defaulted on the last loan he signed for. Can you come up with some collateral? We would accept your IPhone that you put on your credit card. And that would make us both Happy!
You sound responsible. Are you interested in a loan? Rates are super low! It would really help our Net Interest Margin and make me Happy!
And please keep your debit cards....Our new fee should help my bonus big time baby....