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Forum Post: Many people are wondering how things got so bad so quickly in the U.S. in such a short time. The truth is that this building has been falling for a long time. Watch this to get some context on how we got where we are - awesome 3 minute YouTube clip

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 4:11 p.m. EST by therising (6643)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Things didn't start falling apart just recently. This building has been falling for a long time. Take a 3 minute break and watch this clip on YouTube. It will give you a refreshing perspective that will solidify your resolve to push as hard as you can alongside others to make a real and lasting change this time.

It's also funny.


If you like this, please be sure to watch the following award winning documentaries: "Inside Job" (Impeccably researched. Narrated by Matt Damon -- pretty brave Matt!) "Why We Fight" "The Corporation"



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[-] 1 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

Mr Moore is entertaining, but he's also an uninformed, paranoid, socialist buffoon.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

That an ad hominem. You'll make stronger arguments if you go after the points asserted rather than the person asserting them. If you have a pattern of ad hominems, people will just ignore you.

More importantly, why have you not yet realized that you are part of the 99%? This movement is about you and for you too.

[-] 1 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

to be precise, im probably not a 1%er, probably closer to 2-3%. meaning i pay a shitload each year in taxes, more than 6-7 average folks pull in gross. So im sick of your whining idiots complaining we at the top dont pay enough. the tax system is very progressive. This movement is not about me, not at all my friend.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

Here's a link that may help you joewealthyhaha http://occupywallst.org/forum/i-am-the-ceo-of-a-company-thats-been-in-business-a/ . Yes, I wrote the referenced post. And yes, I am a CEO and probably make more than you do.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

I probably make a little more than you but I use my earnings differently. So we probably won't be running into each other at the Porsche dealership. Interesting how you tell me you pay enough in taxes. You do realize that we Americans have a much lower tax rate than most of the countries in the world right?

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Yeah, I remember the "good old days".

The Bush administration that I can remember that political appointees included people who said, 1. government could not be made to work and 2. they the department they were joining should be abolished, and 3. that the only qualification they had for a job was loyalty to the president (not the Constitution).

I believe they have made their point. When somebody says the can't do something, believe them. When they believe that their job shouldn't be done, don't consider them for it. When they say they are only loyal to a politician, get some body else for the job. We tried them and it didn't work. Point made.

Now we have some guys that are running for president that are saying essentially the same things. I guess we know how that would turn out

The fact that the 1% is giving them millions shouldn't increase our enthusiasm. Help shrink government by keeping them out of it.

[-] 1 points by StickySweater (10) 13 years ago

Its true, we've reached a boiling point where the corruption is so widespread everyone and their grandma is aware of it. Its definitely a new era. This was all predicted btw in the book, The Fourth Turning, which I recommend.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

You make a great point. The fact that grandmas are aware of this and are protesting in large numbers in front of Lincoln Center in NYC and STANDING THEIR GROUND WHEN POLICE ASK THEM TO LEAVE says something hugel. It's resonating with Americans from all backgrounds. Nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come!

[-] 1 points by AmericanRedWhiteBlue (126) 13 years ago

Nothing more powerful than Grandmas!

People who are mean to Grandmas make other people mad!

People, who are mad at mean people, don't vote for the leaders of those mean people!

We need more Grandmas!

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

I should have mentioned that the clip tells the story of how the game really changed beginning in 1980. This is where big business really aligned directly with the highest levels of power in a way that was grotesque.

[-] 1 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

Michael Moore is entertaining, but he's also an uninformed, paranoid, socialist buffoon.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

That's an ad hominem. Need to brush up on your logical fallacies. You'll have stronger arguments if you avoid them. Otherwise people will just ignore you.