Forum Post: Many of you just need a job...
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 2:54 a.m. EST by thomasmiller
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I think many of you just need to get a job. I don't think you are bad people. Im up right now because Im completing my work. I make about 150k a year, but its through hard work, luck, experience and what I have in my head. I earn every dollar of it. Now I want to see you guys earn every dollar too. You will not improve yourself sitting in a camp somewhere. You need to take personal responsibility for yourselves. Im here to provide that "second voice" and I hope you can see that.
I'm pretty sure that the absence of jobs leads to unemployment. Just a guess.
Yet another person who has gotten this movement all wrong.
Jobs are so plentiful...why didn't I think of that?
Jobs have never been plentiful. Even in good times, there are people who submit several hundred resumes. The key is to go to the right places. There are a few places in the states and abroad where jobs are plentiful. You can't live on love and donations forever...and you cant expect the government to provide for you. Even if this was a communist nation, then you would still have to work...
Are you an idiot? First Off, I work over 40 hours a week. I'm sure there are plenty of OWS protestors who work. Pretending we don't have a jobs problem really doesn't play well in a country that doesn't manufacture anything. You're attacking OWS protestors as if they're lazy and don't want to work? That's right-wing propaganda. You must sit there all plugged-in to the tube while Beck fills your head with his chalk-dust logic. Please go back into your trance since you have nothing intelligent to say.
If you're so out of touch about the differences between now and as little as 5 years ago, I suggest you do some reading..... There are entire professions now, where new workers expectancy to get a job have dropped from days to years. Some have disappeared entirely..... There are alot of reasons for this, but trying to shoe horn peoples problems, into one nice easy fix-all isn't going to work.....
Again, I suggest you do some reading, probably I would suggest starting with a browsing of the history of the recent global economic downturn, and doing some reading on the philosophy of a capitalistic state (IE, The Wealth of Nations, which is arguably the bible of Capitalism, and deals with alot of the issues that OWS is presenting), would be a good idea.