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Forum Post: Many of the 99% are quite happy........!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 1:08 a.m. EST by 397135 (12)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am quite happy enough to give a little, save a little and live within my means.

Hey, most of the best things in life are free anyway, yes?



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[-] 1 points by sillyhat (2) from Queens, NY 13 years ago

Sounds like you got yours brother! Got compassion? Got milk? Luke 10:27

[-] 1 points by milessmiles (10) 13 years ago

I'm happy too. And I'm certainly not angry at anybody. But I disagree with how money influences politics and politicians in such a way that the voices of a few can drown out the voices of many.

[-] 1 points by steve005 (256) from Cincinnati, OH 13 years ago

yes but you aren't giving a little. what you are "giving" is really being forcefully taken from you. and given to fund wars and wellfare, oh and the 1% of course

[-] 1 points by 397135 (12) 13 years ago

No, I am really talking about my personal giving, where I have control as to who or what I give to...

May not be much but I kinda enjoy doing it......

I think your refering to taxes to which I say one man one vote.

Use your right to vote.

[-] 1 points by steve005 (256) from Cincinnati, OH 13 years ago

income tax is a fraud, look it up

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

Forcefully? We live in a democracy that does a pretty good job of responding to what we want. We started both of those wars because the majority of Americans wanted it. We have taxation WITH representation, not money being "forcefully" taken from us.

[-] 1 points by steve005 (256) from Cincinnati, OH 13 years ago

it is by force, they show up with guns and no force of law on the books

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

No government agent has ever shown up with guns to take my money illegally, sorry. You're starting to sound a little like a Tea Party patriot.

[-] 1 points by steve005 (256) from Cincinnati, OH 13 years ago

just look it up, don't take my word for it

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

Don't worry I'm definitely not taking your word for anything. We live in a democracy. Try participating in it some time. Only 24% of eligible voters age 18-29 voted in the 2010 mid-term elections, which enabled the Tea Party's wins. Were you one of the 24%?