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Forum Post: "Man will not be free until the last king has been strangled with the entrails of the last priest," -- Denis Diderot, 18th century; "Humanity won't be happy until the last capitalist has been hung from the guts of the last bureaucrat" -- Guy Debord

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9 p.m. EST by RossWolfe (34)
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"Freedom without terror is defenseless" -- Robespierre

Death to tyrants!

I'm just being provocative, but still.




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[-] 1 points by steve005 (256) from Cincinnati, OH 13 years ago

Not capitalists, they aren't capitalists

[-] 1 points by IlliniCornfields (71) from Elmhurst, IL 13 years ago

provocative or just plain careless?

[-] 1 points by RossWolfe (34) 13 years ago

The only thing I was trying to point out was that anti-capitalist radicalism (Debord) and even the bourgeois radicalism (Diderot) before it was much more revolutionary than what we see today with principled non-violence.

Violence in itself is of course not emancipatory, but sometimes it is necessary.

[-] 1 points by Atoll (185) 13 years ago

Non-violence can still accomplish great things. US minority civil rights and Indian emancipation from Britain come to mind. Plus violence is pretty maddening unto itself. It's easy to get disillusioned when you feel that level of instant power.

[-] 1 points by RossWolfe (34) 13 years ago

It's true, but sometimes I feel like non-violence gets fetishized to an unreasonable degree. Sometimes when you get hit, you have to hit back.

Obviously there are neither the numbers nor the ammunition to accomplish an armed takeover. But under certain circumstances it might be necessary.

[-] 1 points by Atoll (185) 13 years ago

Fetishized? Curious choice of words. But yeah, you can't just take punches from bullies. True. But as far as I know, they haven't broken out the fire hoses and German Shepherds yet.
And a physical revolution may very well end up being necessary. Depending on how serious this thing is, history may very well be the educator here. People want a revolution, more often than not, they actually have to fight for it. But man, fighting BlackWater is going to be tough. Not a reason to not do it, but still.

[-] 1 points by MechanicalMoney (208) 13 years ago

No about Diderot, it was a metaphorism concerning relationship between the Church and the Royal family in France, out of context you made a open-means to violence in 1rst degree that 's absence of the original speeches...

[-] 0 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Garbage. You and the other idiots like you continue to expose and show americans how empty this protest is. Thank you