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Forum Post: Make them take notice...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 7:24 p.m. EST by OldSchoolLiberal (8) from Cape Elizabeth, ME
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The Wall Street 'overlords' are really just slaves to their money. What can the 99% do to put some pressure in a place where the 1% will really feel it... their wallets? Should we stop using banks and switch to credit unions? Only buy local? Stop buying manufactured goods and/or luxury goods? Close out our 401 K?* Occupy has peoples' attention so this is the opportunity to get a clear message out there of real steps simple people can take.

*Closing the 401 K is a great idea. If enough people did it it would make havoc on some major investment funds.

Think a stock broker doesn't have feelings? Watch them when they lose money. :)



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[-] 1 points by johnliming (10) 13 years ago

When the Civil Rights Marchers wanted to get the attention of one of their target cities' bus systems, they simply stopped riding the bus and started walking more. This pur such financial pressure on the bus company that they relented. But such action takes organized, concerted and perservering action. I feel that this is not possible in America today where everyone more or less takes the path of comfort and least resistance. These are good ideas if people would carry them out. But I wouldn't count on it until enough people get hungry enough.


[-] 1 points by OldSchoolLiberal (8) from Cape Elizabeth, ME 13 years ago

It's events like this that get the message to people about how they can make a difference. Even something as simple as "move your money" made huge waves in the big banks that they don't want to admit.