Forum Post: Make Politicians Accountable (for things they say)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 10:18 a.m. EST by luQ
from Boston, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Americans have lost trust in our politicians. Let's get together to hold them accountable for the things they say - please sign this (white house) petition:
Promote Accuracy and Accountability in Political Speeches/Campaigns
We citizens expect our elected representatives and candidates for office to present accurate statements with regard to factual events and information (along with their opinions and viewpoints) in public speeches and campaign materials. However, some candidates and elected officials present "factual" material to the public that is inaccurate or missing crucial detail, and therefore misleading.
We ask that regulations be established requiring federal representatives and candidates to be held accountable for their public statements in the areas of: voting records (their own and those of others); economic data; science; and history. Statements found to be demonstrably misleading would require correction in a forum of equal or greater public exposure than that in which the statement was made.
-- You may also want to review and sign other petitions or create your own:
Read the Rules