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Forum Post: MAKE our FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS RESPONSIBLE players in our global economy- Eradicate Corruption -Make Corporations Responsible for Communities at large

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:58 a.m. EST by changeinmotion2 (66) from Portland, ME
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its about the seriously well endowed . the 1% - these entities whether an institution or an individual, public or private... the ones being targeted are those who happily go on their merry way finding loop hole after loop hole to hide their money - to evade our tax system - to push it to the vigin islands and launder it through financial institutions who we have no jurisdiction over. i too have insight and first hand knowledge - a very well to do antique dealer who has made millions- MILLIONs of dollars but has been able to keep his tax return UNDER 60K per year... takes cash when ever he can , throws it in his drawers at home - hides it all... takes an overseas check and gets it put into his off shore bank account where hes free and able to "NOT" declare this ... this is reality - this is what is taking place over and over and over... its time to change the way we do business in this country and bring the financial kingdom to a grinding hault. this is disgusting human behavior - people like this and corporations who behave like this ought to be brought to their knees right here and now



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