Forum Post: Make me positive
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:24 p.m. EST by Riley2011
from New Britain, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I realized, trying to find a news station this weekend that was reporting hard news....that some pieces are "skimmed over." Does anyone truly believe that economy is headed in the right direction? Do you believe that the job outlook is bright? That the foreclosure processes are being slowed down? Does anyone else see their payroll tax bonus going right to fuel costs and are you seeing the cost of food go up?...(I just paid 2.00 for a head of lettuce today ...for that price i think that it should sing jazz) Am I the only person who thinks that we need a budget that does cut a bit more before we turn into a country that needs an austerity plan? Does anyone else believe that Rome fell and that the US can do the same? Sorry...but I am looking for silver linings here
Here's some good news: You are here with people who really care about what happens and who have some really good ideas for making things a little better for everyone. This is a place of hope; of possibilities. You're not the only one who sees what you see. YOU - RILEY - are NOT crazy. YOU are all too sane.
I was taught, during 8 years of Reagan and 12 years of Bush's, that as long as the CEOs were getting richer, that everything was all "right". They are are still getting richer. GM just broke all profit records. WallStreet bonuses are down a hair, but they will just have to squeak by on a 20 million dollar bonus, so just stand in awe of their "sacrifice". Corporate profits as whole have been setting overall records, so they'll get their $40,000,000+ bonuses back next year.
I find myself asking a question.
Since this is so.
Why is the "right" not singing the praises of Barak Obama?
If these numbers were posted during a recession, with a (R)epelican't President, Limbaugh would be singing songs of praise, war and poor and deficits, be damned.
So what is it, my fellow Americans?
Could it be, that you too are beginning to realize, that you really are part of the 99%?
Help us please.
Like the Clinton admin (repealing Glass STeagal- the biggest FU to the entire public ever) was any better.
Or the current obama disaster.
Until this country can see past the divisive nonsense, expect things to keep getting worse
What decisiveness? I'm not Limbaugh, nor FLAKESnews.
I pointed out some simple facts.
BTW: The DOW topped 13,000 today too.
It was all fudged when it hit with Bush @ 14,000. The stats are worse now. You think its a real measure?
Well, it is being reported by Murdock.
I thought you trusted him?
Why would I trust a slime like that?
Not all of us are in a l vs r, black vs white, up vs down paradigm..
I'm in a forward paradigm.
It lets me call 'em as I see 'em.
Oh Riley,
Did anyone, maybe you, ever hear about these people that always over-react. Always complaining that if it wasn't for those democrats we'd be living in some God-Given Utopia where birth control wouldn't even be an issue since no one dare ask to have it. We would all be reading from the same hymnal, joyously. Like Heaven on Earth. Gone would be all these trivialities like how much is head of lettuce. Praise God. Amen!
@ Riley : Re. "news station this weekend that was reporting hard news", please try "The Alyona Show" ; "The Big Picture with Tom Hartman" & more re. "Markets, Finance and Scandal" - "The Keiser Report" and "Capital Account". These 'RT' shows are made IN America ; BY Americans ; FOR Americans and I really can't recommend them too highly. RT may be available on cable etc in the U$A and is on 'Freeview, channel 85' and 'Sky, channel 512' - in the UK. All the above are also available online :
a) ;
b) ;
c) &
d) .
Like I say, "Highly Recommended" !!
Finally, re. "silver linings" : !
fiat lux et nil deperandum ...
What makes you think that the "fall" of Washington might not be a silver lining in and of itself to most of the people in the world? BTW cutting the budget IS an austerity plan. That's exactly what austerity is everywhere else in the world. The real issue is how to we get the rich and the ruling class to pay for a situation which they, not the vast majority, created.
Many things need to be cut. Medicade and Medicare, Social Security, Military, Aid to any other country of which most could care a less what happens to us.
Ask your congress person to cut military by seventy five percent.Plenty left over to defend not offend.Should have plenty of cash on hand after that.
What do you think McCain Palin would done for us?
Stop Abortion?
Cancel Social Security?
Abolish the dept of education?
Make more War, bomb bomb bomb Iran?
Forbid birth control?
Put Jesus Prayers in schools?
The silver lining is your complaining NOW, how would like the McCain Palin world view?
Remember George Bush? How did you feel during those dark days. Were you talking doom and gloom then?
Silver Lining - Bush handed off a plate of shit to Obama. If it was handed to McCain that plate of smelly shit would be in our mouths by now. Your not eating shit, are you? Then you should thank your lucky stars contained within that silver lining. It's there to save them.
Hard to argue with this analysis. Things are bad, but by electing Obama we have narrowly averted disaster. After reelecting Obama we need to push the whole political debate about 90 degrees to the left.
This is exactly where my mind is as well GypsyKing. I much perfer to get Obama back and push him to do what's right, make that left turn. We need to stay in the streets, vote, and get out the vote, and keep pushing the agenda we want. If keep bringing the message and continue to show our strength and resolve, and most of all, show our strength at the voting booth, he will listen. With our wind at his back, he will be enabled to do our will.
Unfortunately, the Repugnant Party attacked him relentlessly and thwarted any attempt he made to level the playing the field and give the middle class a shot. They were the same ones who kissed Bush's a$$hat while he drove the country into ditch and wasted young Americans lives in some crappy happy hole in the desert.
I think the Democratic party is, to a real dergree corrupt, but how could it not be, given the relentless Republican push to open campaign finance laws for the ultra-wealthy. Their only alternative would have been complete capitulation, and furthermore although he cannot admit it, Obama really has very little power. He is not a king, and all the other branches of power are still in Republican hands, or in the case of the Senate, handcuffed. This is not a argument for Obama, who is far to the right of my views, but simply an insistance to see things as they are.
One of the great powers of the evil overlords is their ability to confuse people with "orchestrated disinformation," in other words, with lies, and that is why I have so stubbornly insisted that this movement above all be grounded in the truth. Without recognizing truth, no matter how pleasant or painful, we cannot make change. And the truth is, we don't know what would happen if we put liberal Democrats in power. They have never been in power before. We had a chance with the Nixon/McGovern election, and we blew it. The Dems turned sharply to the right afterwards, and have really been nothing but "Republican Lite" ever since.
I think as a result of that, the Democrats are now tainted, and we need (AFTER the election) to form a third party; a party for the people of this country, rather than the wealthy elite. But we cannot dellude ourselves as to where things now stand.
Well, we certainly do agree on lots of points. And believe me, I've been seeing this crap playing out for decades. I have seen exactly what you did. The dems are to me the lesser of two evils. But, also, I see it realistically, as the starting point from where we'll have the best start.
I will feel deep dread if a Repug gets in because in that sit, the best we will be able to hope for is that somehow some way we can endure more damage that will be picking up where Bush left off as he crowns the new King. The middle class may not survive this final onslaught.
I remember that bastard Reagan. He was a bag of a$$hats. Reaganomics. He's directly responsible for the whirlwind of financial oblivion we find ourselves today. The Repugs always mention him like he was some glorified saint. I have never gotten over my nausea of that man.
We also have him to thank our great money making war on drugs. Just great things when our government tramples it's citizens and, oh yeah, let's cut some more social programs so we can incarcerate even more of citizenry and further militarize our police so we get these dirt bag pot smokers in jail where they belong.
Nice to know that others do see this crap as it just continually marches on but still give a damn to do something about it whether it changes anything or not. I think I'll run out of steam for this when they finally burn my body to ash. Ah-Ha, so there is hope after all : - )
Personally, I like Russ Feingold, and Bernie Sanders. Both of these politicians speak for me, most of the time.
Absolutely Obama will win... The Republican party is a watching a train disaster My point is that. We will go nowhere if we don't have some truth. It is like telling a stage 3 cancer patient that everything will take care of itself. I do not think that borrowing another 1.3 trillion helps Anything. If we have to bite the bullet...ok..if we come out better on the other be it Look at the payroll tax benefits...where are we going to recoup The monies? Can we afford to send 800 million to the middle east right now? I like the President him..but we have to stop spending
Oh, there is still a hell of a lot that is wrong with this country! Preventing another disasterous Republican Administration is just the begining. But don't count them out yet; I thought Nixon, Reagan and both Bushes were unelectable, and hey . . . somehow they got in there anyway. One of their best techniques is to start with low expectations and then use their huge media machine to convince everybody that their prospects get better as things go along.
I don't see a Republican election as an impossibility, and especially not if people get complascent.
President Gingrich...hmm I might start learning how to sing " Oh Canada" mighty quick..I like hockey but hate the cold... You are right...America is unpredictable... But I think the Hispanic vote will push Obama in...have a good night!
Never would have voted for them...also do not make excuses nor absolve current admin of accountability or fiscal responsibilty Just because previous leaders were pinheads does not give Washington an open wallet or checkbook...spending is getting out of hand. I frankly do not go by party lines..I would like a leader..well we don't have one running In this election who can balance a budget.. Somewhat The 2013 budget cuts little... So I will say rah rah and continue smiling as gas prices go up Food prices go up and the media is selling snake oil which technically, to respond to you eating shit as far As the lies about the unemployment rate I am voting for the President again however If we do not tighten the belt in this country we Will face having to follow Greece's plan... What two unelected politicians would have done does not matter What we do now matters
I agree, what WE now do is what matters.
I am very worried for America I do not mean to be redundant but I have learned alot from the forums and the discussions...
Everyone who is awake, and half of those still asleep, are very worried for this country. That is why we cannot, we must not stop until we have reached the goal.
Went to the gas station today Gas is over four dollars But if the stock market is over 13000 All is good...?
Yeah, we can no longer afford public apathy!
Let's see I now have the federal govenment telling my church that they have to provide contraception and you are wooried about prayers in schools.
Bomb Iran? Obama has pursued the war much more agressively that Bush but because it is a Democrat doing it, you look the other way. You do realize that we are bombing Pakistan now and he uses the Seal teams all over the world, breaking all rules. Why are you not complaining.
Cancel the Education Dept, well it has not gotten much better.
The truth is that corporations and individuals are hoarding money because they have no confidence in the economy and one of the reason they don't is the market knows that Obama wants to over regulate and redistribute income. So why take nay risk.
JFlynn, your narrative is so strong and predictable. You use talking points straight off of faux news. Admit it, you like faux, it's so agreeable to you and your narrative.
Your with Rick Perry on abolishing the department of education. You'll be glad for it and with Rick Perry by your side as your leader you'll be right there as he abolishes Social Security, you know it's only a ponzi scheme, and aren't those illegal? Yeah, you and Rick, real buds. Texas Tea. Billionaires.
Lives of the rich and infamous. Texas style. Giddy Up!
Oohh, that was a great response. You are so predictable... Couldn't respond to the facts so you had to come up with an attack.
Jflynn, you have presented no facts but your opinion in the post to which I responded. I have also posted here with my own opinion. Although, if needed, I could supply facts to back up my opinion.
If hard facts were involved in your post to which I was responding to then please point them out in your next post to this one here.
Here is what my response was to, quoting you directly: Let's see I now have the federal govenment telling my church that they have to provide contraception and you are wooried about prayers in schools.
Bomb Iran? Obama has pursued the war much more agressively that Bush but because it is a Democrat doing it, you look the other way. You do realize that we are bombing Pakistan now and he uses the Seal teams all over the world, breaking all rules. Why are you not complaining.
Cancel the Education Dept, well it has not gotten much better.
The truth is that corporations and individuals are hoarding money because they have no confidence in the economy and one of the reason they don't is the market knows that Obama wants to over regulate and redistribute income. So why take nay risk.
I await your intelligent fact filled reply!!!
So you are saying that Obama has ot pursued the war more agressively or that corporations and people are lacking in confidence? Everyone knows that Obama wants to redistribute income, no?
What do you think this whole 99% thing is all about? He wants to take money from one group to give to another because he wants the power and the votes.
Those are facts? How's that?
FACT - definition
something known to be true: something that can be shown to be true, to exist, or to have happened truth or reality of something: the truth or actual existence of something, as opposed to the supposition of something or a belief about something
Bottom line, facts can be proven conclusively. Such as, you have to eat to survive.
JFlynn----Your response is exactly what I expected. You presented NO facts at all. Good Luck next time.
So you want me to link you to the Confidence Board survey. Come on get off the computer and find read a newspaper.
Here, you go.
Amazing how it craters... But don't worry Obama is doing a great job. That's why Apple is spending all the billions they have in cash. Because they are so confidnent in the future.
Great post...I agree with the hoarding cash idea...I don't think people are as confident as the media would have us believe
Everyone's hair is on fire and they just don't know it yet. Not a silver lining but it is happening to all classes of people if that makes you feel any better.
Do you want to feel positive about the future of the US?
These young adults worked their butts off and raised $ 10,700,000 to help their fellow man:
Budget cuts? Are you out of your mind? Yes, you are the only one. Every one here is too reasonable to cut vital programs such as the 400,000$ for restoring the Ritz theater in New York or the 2.5 million dollars for potato research given out in 2010. These and all other federal programs are vital and will cause a collapse in society if they are stopped.
potato research only got 2.5, It's such a economical feeding plant. I would expect a greater investment
I know, right? There just isn't enough private investment in food production. It's such a small segment of the economy, no corporation is willing to invest any money in higher rates of food production per unit area. If we stay on this path, we will all starve due to famines caused by lack of federal funding. The fact of the matter remains that there is an infinite amount of money available and the only entity that knows how to spend it properly is the federal government. I don't care if my descendants get sold into slavery down the road, I want some darned money!!
I just heard that Whitney Houston died.