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Forum Post: Make advertising illegal!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 8:21 p.m. EST by Brett77 (22) from Ellijay, GA
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Make advertising illegal, it does nothing but creating artificial needs, pushes the price of the final product, and encourages consumerism! (makes us buy stuff we don't need and that definitely not make us feel better about ourselves) The biggest expense of big companies is their advertising department and eventually the customer pays for it. How about word of mouth and giving the local stores the chance to bring their products to the people around them for whom they actually care

And most of all I hate not being able to go anywhere without being bombarded with BUY THIS, BUY THAT, etc!

(in Butan advertising is only allowed modestly on the outside of the building where that product is available)



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