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Forum Post: Maintain Non Violence At All Costs

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 9:02 p.m. EST by will1k (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I think that given the large scale of protest being seen not only in the US but worldwide it is important to discuss and implement methods of nonviolence. These methods should not only be practiced on an individual level but at one cohesive group that would promote internal structural integrity.

Given large amounts of frustrations channeled into one large group of people at one time in space it is easy to succumb to acts of violence as a form of confrontation. However this method can be counter productive to the goals of a resistance.

A resistance that is principally based on violent confrontation only encourages and validates reactive violence from its opposition. This will also create a very strict dichotomy of "US vs. THEM" sort of mentality, which is likely to be coupled with over emotional irrationality. This should not be the goal of any movement that desires effective change and equality, especially one that represents the "99%".

Even when met with police violence it is important to maintain an entirely nonviolent composure. This allows a group to gain a moral high ground that would effectively demonize an opponent allowing them to gain support from other citizens and foreign agents. As it would clearly express that there are "the oppressors" and that there are "the oppressed" and that at this point the system's only way left of maintaining legitimacy is through fear and physical violence.

If one were to succumb to reactionary violence as a form of resistance then that individual or group would lose its own sense of conscious choice as it would merely be reacting, rather than thoughtfully processing and engaging in conflict.

To all protestors and advocates please thoughtfully consider and reflect on nonviolent methods as the most effective and peaceful means towards effective change.

For your reading consideration:

"Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: The dynamics of people power in the twentieth century" By Peter Ackerman & Christopher Kruegler

"The Politics of Nonviolent Action" By Gene Sharp



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by timf (1) 13 years ago

A free downloadable PDF of "On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict" is available here: http://www.aeinstein.org/organizations1c31.html (direct link: http://www.aeinstein.org/organizations/org/OSNC.pdf) - highly recommended reading.

[-] 1 points by TommyNYC (730) 13 years ago

There have been several instances of right-wingers bringing violence to OWS. One group, usborderguards.com, came in full camo and brought assault rifles. One "END THE FED" supporter burned down an office building. "END THE FED" is a major rallying point for right-wing extremist lunatics who bring violent and racist attitudes to OWS.


[-] 1 points by buik1 (9) 13 years ago

it would certainly be better without violence

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I agree completely with everything you've just said.

I'm of the opinion that for this movement to be effective we must at some point not only win the hearts and minds of the public, but we must also subvert every single institution in this country.

We won't do that if we engage in mob violence.

I would like to radicalize your mind, not your behavior -
