Forum Post: Mainstream Media (MSNBC) caught spreading false information (AGAIN) -- Accuses Mitt Romney of being KKK
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 9:32 p.m. EST by theaveng
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Microsoft NBC pulled a Faux News today. Their anchor Thomas Roberts reported that Mitt Romney ran a campaign ad with the slogan “Keep America American.” As Roberts notes, the phrase was used as a rallying cry for the KKK during the 1920s: ----- However, it appears MSNBC missed the final 5 seconds of the “ad” which clearly reads “Mitt Romney does not actually support this ad.“ (In other words.... it's a FAKE ad.) Also Romney says "Let's keep America America by" keeping a strong economy, abundant jobs, et cetera. The original KKK pamphlet in the 1920s said "American" with an N (followed by racial slurs).
The anchor is the same MSNBC host who said the GOP presidential candidates would like to go back to a time when women couldn’t vote and “slavery was cool.”
It shouldn't be called mainstream media, it should be called leftist media.
OMG! A biased news report! On main stream media! Unbelievable!
Who cares, he's a politician and a flip flop.
i am sure that he is
That's a really lousy thing to say. How do you know Romney is part of the KKK?
i think he prob never met a black person before
Wow. How come you think that?