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Forum Post: Main Goal of Protests Should Be Campaign Finance Reform!!!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 10:17 p.m. EST by concernedinutah (102)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The corporations and other monied interests have the politicians on the Right and Left bought and paid for through the current system of legalized bribery that has compromised America's political process.

Any reforms enacted as a result of these protests will be short lived unless we establish common sense laws that keep the special interest from disenfranchising the rest of the American public. It would take a massive grassroots effort to achieve it, because the politicians will certainly not do it on their own - they are thriving under the current system. Straight forward, loop-hole free changes to the laws are needed if we ever want to see the American public truly represented again. If this could be achieved, the rest of the reforms will then have a chance of becoming a reality.



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[-] 1 points by TruthIsHere (4) from West Milford, NJ 13 years ago

The policies of the United States of America are dirty. They are tainted. The policies currently on the books are not for the interest of the American people. The policies on the books are for the people who lobbied for their creation. When the government makes decisions it is not with the benefit of the masses in mind, if that is what you believe then you are sorely mistaken. Politicians walk a tight line between "what can get me reelected" and "what can make my corporate donors happy". Nowhere in that line of thinking is “what will help the people”, often at times “what will get me reelected” will, as a bi-product, help their constituents; but that is not to be confused with intentionally helping the people (aka politicians doing what they are sent there to do- well not anymore since the people aren't the ones sending them anymore). The most note worthy “tainted policy” is the one that has a direct effect on American workers (or lack there of). The outsourcing of jobs is an act that the government allows because it benefits its corporate owners. Ask yourself this: do you honesty believe that the majority of Americans are FOR the outsourcing of jobs? Republican, Democrat, or Independent. Who is FOR the outsourcing of our jobs? If the majority of us despise the outsourcing of American jobs, and this IS a democracy, wouldn't it make sense to have a policy on outsourcing that reflects our feelings? Meaning that we should have NO outsourcing. How can we claim as Americans to be the very representation of democracy for the entire world when our own government ignores us and instead of being a government for the people by the people has turned into a government for the profits of corporations by the corporations. Who is ok with this? Liberals, are you ok with this? Conservatives, are you ok with this? I don't care what party you affiliate with, you should be pissed off at corporate America stealing your government away from you.

The solution, however, is not a simple one. If you haven't noticed, our current scheme goes a little like this. American companies design the object X. Whether it be the new ipad, Dell computer, washing machine, or plastic toy. And the Chinese make it. Why? Simply put, because we have a minimum wage and they don't (Corporations have to at least pay us around $7 an hour where in China they'll work for much less).  Its all part of the idea that we are a service based economy, and they are  a manufacturing economy (like we used to be. #1 by the way). We are in a situation where we depend on each other. We design, they make it, we both buy it, corporations make max amount of profits. If we made outsourcing jobs illegal than all the corporations would leave the U.S in order to keep their cheap labor. To counter we would need to grant a crap load of subsidies coupled with heavy tariffs to make it more profitable in the U.S despite having a minimum wage. Effectively we would be putting a strangle hold on access to the American market. Then we have an economy that works like this: Americans design it, Americans manufacture it, everyone buys it (China might object, but they need our goods. They wont just stop cold turkey). We'd essentially be  "Fueling America with Americans." Americans give jobs to our competitors and it needs to be regulated to benefit the U.S and not the competitor. Kill the Jobs in China and force the corporations to bring them home. Who gets hurt? No one really, Corporation will just have to live with a little less than record profits. 

So whats it going to be America? The people or profits?

[-] 1 points by Shoes4Industry (7) 13 years ago

Also presidential TERM LIMITS. On six year term and that's it.

COMMON SENSE SOLUTIONS to fix the economy and jobs crisis...

  1. Lower the SS retirement age to 62, early retirement to age 60. Free up middle and upper management and lower positions for younger, healthier, less expensive workers.

  2. Remove the cap on Social Security contributions to pay for new and future retirees.

  3. Limit consumer credit interest rates to 15% max. This will reduce consumer debt and promote consumption without costing taxpayers a cent.

  4. Lower the eligibility age of Medicare to zero. It's an insurance (not a health care) program. Younger, healthier contributors will dramatically drive down cost and increase savings. Employers will be out of the health care business.

  5. Rescind the Bush tax cuts immediately on those making over $250K and increase the rates on those making over $1M+ to Reagan era rates.

  6. Rewrite underwater mortgages by "splitting the difference" between current market value and what is owed, (4% -30 yr. fixed) both parties take a hit, homeowners have incentive to stay and pay and banks are not stuck with vacant, non- performing assets.

  7. Make all educational expenses tax deductible.

Problem solved.

[-] 1 points by WorkingClassAntiHero (352) from Manchester, NH 13 years ago

Specific policy campaigns are divisive within a coalition movement such as these. Election and lobbying reform would open the doors for debates such as these and many many more to actually be held and considered, rather than relegated to the internet and cafe organizations. Without it though, they'll never see the light of day.

Lend your voice to calling for election and lobbying reform as the first step towards getting to fight for you what you really believe in. Ban private money from elections. Make public record of every lobbying effort made on behalf of any group or individual for public review and consideration. Clean elections, transparent government...this is how we can make change even possible.

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

ABSOLUTELY ! I'm a 1%'er Republican ne Libertarian, and I SUPPORT that 100%.

See http://occupywallst.org/forum/we-the-people-in-order-to-a-proposal

[-] 1 points by WorkingClassAntiHero (352) from Manchester, NH 13 years ago

Election and lobbying reform! All the way!

This message is getting more and more popular. Took long enough...

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

ABSOLUTELY ! I'm a 1%'er Republican ne Libertarian, and I SUPPORT that 100%.

See http://occupywallst.org/forum/we-the-people-in-order-to-a-proposal

[-] 1 points by kingearl (141) 13 years ago

it is not going to happen, Obama 2012 Re-election Director of Finance is the son of Bank Of Americas former CEO, Chad Gifford. One of the guys who created this mess. Keeping it all in the Family

[-] 0 points by ThinMan2 (46) 13 years ago

Main goal should be protest reform.

[-] 0 points by ohallothar (60) 13 years ago

I thought the main goal was supposed to be abolishing capitalism

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

I'm a 1%'er Republican ne Libertarian, and the ONLY idea I've seen here that I and ALL MY FRIENDS can support is this idea of TAKING OUR GOVERNMENT BACK.

See http://occupywallst.org/forum/we-the-people-in-order-to-a-proposal

Once we have TAKEN our VOICE back from all those who CORRUPT our system with their MONEY, we can use UNCORRUPTED Democracy to settle our OTHER differences.

If we INSIST on tackling all the little issues that DIVIDE America, liberals vs conservative, we will create FACTIONS that have NO POWER... JUST the way the SYSTEM would LIKE.

Lets TAKE BACK OUR GOVERNMENT then work on everything ELSE after we have a TRUE DEMOCRACY again !

[-] 1 points by ohallothar (60) 13 years ago

can't we just abolish our government

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

Ummmm.... I suppose you could TRY as long as you did it within the system (a Constitutional Amendment to Suspend the Constitution ??), but I'm POSITIVE you're NOT going to get ANY support for THAT idea ! Sheesh !

[-] 1 points by ohallothar (60) 13 years ago

I dunno, adbusters seemed to get a bit of support for their whole "occupy wallstreet" thing.