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Forum Post: Madman at the Helm

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 10:53 a.m. EST by YoHi64 (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Now the quarterdeck is empty, waiting For a child of the sea to hear her cry We’ve drifted far too long without a sailor And the madman at the helm won’t get us by

The crew waits beneath the deck in hunger For the courage that it takes to face the night
So high above the waves in empty wonder Where a brave man first sees the morning light

It’s time for a new direction, time for a resurrection Time for an insurrection, it’s time to pray
I know the universe is vast, and I know the earth is sinking fast And I know I hear a madman laugh as he leads us to the grave

Why have we been so overlong in waking? When the lookouts rang the bell from every tower
Very soon the last dawn will be breaking If we don’t move to make the future ours

I sing a song of doubtful consolation Outside my time, and desperate to be heard
While pride and profit ride on two black horses To pillage lives, and rape our Mother Earth

And it’s time for a new direction, time for a resurrection Time for an insurrection, it’s time to pray
I know the universe is vast, and I know the earth is sinking fast And I know I hear a madman laugh as he leads us to the grave



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