Forum Post: Made In China... Sale Day? (Black Friday)
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 10:33 p.m. EST by WakeUpWorldTV
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At least 95% of all products consumed today were made in other countries, one of the largest importers being China. These cheap products were sold at discounted prices, because Americans can no longer afford Made in China at retail-prices. I find it amusing that Americans need a sale day for products made on the back of slave labor.
If these so called ‘stolen jobs' were to come back to America, wouldn’t the prices on these products increase tenfold?
Something to think about...
The average cost of labor in the final price of manufactured goods is about 15%. So no, they would not increase tenfold. The more pertinent fact, is that more wealth would remain in the US economy, providing US consumers with more money to spend, more money in circulation. The net effect would be greater prosperity across the board, as was the case when we did manufacture our own products.
No, they wouldn't increase ten-fold. When products WERE made here they were not ten times more expensive, in other words, prices didn't drop to one-tenth the price when manufacturing went overseas, in fact, the price never dropped at all. It's all about the greed of the corporations, increasing their bottom line, not about making them 'affordable.'
95%? your proof of that?