Forum Post: Low exposure, high impact protesting strategy for the individual.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 2:55 a.m. EST by Ninety9to1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I for one have been protesting against the meat, dairy and process food industries, corporate hospitals, and the pharmaceutical industries. I have successfully taken monies from these industries on a continual basis. And I am winning!
How? I only eat plant-based foods. I have lowered my cholesterol and blood sugar levels and my weight. This lifestyle will also lower greatly my chance of dying from cancer. I'm spending less money on doctor bills and my health has improved so much that I have dropped all my expensive medications. Man I feel GREAT!
These industries are using us like cash cows. They brainwash us to eat more and more to increase their profits. Eventually we become fat and sick and shell out more cash to the doctors and hospitals. Your doctor will prescribe medication that will mask your symptoms but will destroy you livers. That is a sick way to live your life. WAKE UP PEOPLE. Keep more of your money and increase your health. If everyone eats plant based foods we will bankrupt these industries and decrease environmental pollution and animal abuse from factory farms and you will look good and enjoy great health!
Here's an excerpt from Democracy Now archive.
Bush signed a $190 billion farm bill. Under the 10 year program, taxpayers will pay farmers $4 billion a year to grow more corn. The people who benefit from the production of corn are not the farmers, but the processors, factory farms, snack and soft drink makers, who have switched from using sugar to corn sweeteners. Writer Michael Pollan points out in an op-ed piece in the New York Times/ that our diet has undergone a process of "cornification" in recent years, just as the epidemic of obesity and Type 2 diabetes swept the country.
Check out “Forks over knives” the eye-opening documentary about the food industries and the foods you eat. You’re welcome; because I know you will thank me.
Statistically, yes, eating vegetarian is less destructive to the environment. Have you considered everything though? Palm oil for example, which is in a huge proportion of the things you eat, is actually extremely environmentally destructive (due to the way it is collected). Many plants are harvested in ways that any environmentalist would find deplorable. It's important that you don't just eat plants, but you know where they come from and how their were harvested.
Also, did you know that eating meat was one of the main reasons our brains evolved the way they did? Totally abstaining from meat could be limiting your full potential. A balance is what is needed.
Yes, they (their media) therefore never address our real biggest health problem, which is that of acid and acid-forming food. Go basic (alkaline) less meat, sour fruits, tomatoes, bread and corneflakes but more vegetable (except tomatoes), potatoes, rice, nuts, melons. Prefere milk and pure yoghurt to cheese. Vegetable and potatoe or rice soups are so cheap and easy to do but so unbelievable healthy, eat everyday whenever this is possible to do!!! Avoid acid drininking like coffee, tea (only herbage or very, very thin green tea allowed) cola, limonades, juices, white whine and acid mineral water (compare the plus and minus ions, without regarding hydrocarbonate the plus must be more in weight this is very, very important for your health!! It is a shame that acid mineral water is sold at all, but they do. Even quite expensive ones are acid!) drink mostly herbage teas, natural or mineral alcaline water and isotonic drinks. Mix industry salt at least with silicea or use natural sea salt or himalaya salt instead as codex alimentarius pure industry salt also makes us sick. But acid and acid-forming things are the worst, regard everything that dies or fouls up gets acid! So why getting acid already alive?
Regard that they also hide for decades now that Vitamin D, not Vitamin C is the real hype for our immune system and that we need especially far north, clothed and indoor working at least more than 10 to 20 times as much Vitamin D per day as the WHO suggests at least in the autumn, winter and spring season. This is the second biggest health problem that we have: getting to little sun and producing therefore to little Vitamin D with the help of our skin. Vitamin D helps even reducing the risk of getting cancer but due to the whole in ozon sphere the necessary exposure to the sun far north and far south on the planet probably would raise skin cancer risk even more. Therefore do there take Vitamin D by fishoil or similar tablets, if you don't like to eat to much fish inwards or cod-liver oil.
That's what I am about to change!
Organic farmers have better yields.
Good for you - I'm vegan too, & have been for about 10 years. My health also improved with the change. Corporations built on exploitation of animals are as bad as the rest, worthy as any to be boycotted. Keep it up! ;)
Good for you!! Do you read Natural at all?
No, but I'm going to check it out.
They are heavy against the establishment, but that is just fine with me - since big agra and big pharma have brought us nothing but GMOs, cancer, decreased fertility, lifelong sickness, animal hormones and antibiotic resistance, and on and on.
I am a huge believer that we must reclaim our agricultural system starting with every useless lawn in the U.S.
Viva la backyard chicken revolution!! Grow your own veggies and eggs! Control your own food supply!
Also if you want something a little heavier on the hardcore research, check out the Institute for Functional Medicine. The stuff they are doing is turning conventional medicine on its head by ... curing people instead of giving them a pill for every ill. They're amazing.
I do intense backyard gardening
I'm babystepping. I grew my first garden this year and got an incredible amount of tomatoes peppers & cukes out of just 6 raised beds.
Put up 25+ quarts tomatoes. Made my own pickles. Have 11 girls in my coop out back.
Lets start an uprising for good health and the destruction of corporate farms!
Absolutely. Here's to the raw milk freedom riders:
Monsanto and the evils of GMOs
The "uprising" comes through individual choice, on a mass scale. Are you, yourself, already choosing to live the life that the comment author recommends?
You, my friend, are one of the few that actually gets it. Proof that not everyone in this country are mindless drones. Congrats. Keep spreading that word. Hopefully you are trying to convert those people closest to you (family and friends).
Yes, I second that. I have been a vegetarian for more than 9 years... and I love it! Health is a great thing to have. :)