Forum Post: Love OWS...OWS chat rooms are hurting the movement...something to be said about Free Speech...
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 7:16 p.m. EST by creamstp
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have been a big time supporter of OWS from the beginning..a Brooklyn boy living in West Palm Beach makes it hard for me to support in I started chatting right here on this sight and then it moved to Global revolution and that was great...we had non stop talking about for OWS and at the time chatroom moderators that kept the room on target and free from persons who would disrupt and divide the room into nothing but chaos...I was off a few days while visiting and when I came back the whole chat format had changed...what exists now is a very embarrassing and juvenile forum for mostly nonsense and all the original OWS supporters who made it truly work for OWS were gone...chased off because the right of Freedom Of Speech was limited to OWS related discussions and some thought that was wrong...they should be allowed to talk about almost it is a free for all...and many things that are said hurt the movement...the chat would have people from all around the world joining us and getting there information from the Moderators and chat members...if you were a person from anywhere in the world and you came to that chat room you got the right impression of felt what it was like to be a part of OWS even if you couldn't be there in the flesh...try it now...sit back and don't say a word and watch what is being said and what these people are talking about...stay a may have to wait a bit...but I assure if you wait long enough you are bound to hear something that will shock you and cause you to think..."is that what I would want the world to think about OWS...this is very important to the movement...freedom of speech is important but you wouldn't want the people on the ground protesting acting and speaking like this on camera would you...visit Globalrevolution's chat...again sit back and watch...just watch...and ask this the impression you want the world to think about OWS.
They need more than better moderation, they need organization to this mess. A folder for artwork and another for citations and another for discussion.
Beastie Boys rule
It's always so funny when liberals come out of their bubble and are forced to interact with people who have different beliefs. Their reaction is always the same; shut those people who believe differently up! Your silly leftist ideas simply can't take the light of day so make it so those nasty "others" can't make your head explode.
And there are millions of us! :)
Pandering to assholes is not what I do. I just tell the truth. I didn't assume anything. I read what you wrote. You aren't sure that Bush attacked us on 9/11 because you don't understand the evidence.
I'm pissed. You have that right. To not be pissed off at assholes like you who think they are God and decide if I get to be in OWS. Since you fail to know I've tried to help uninformed OWS fools sitting in the park with ridiculous notions, you are dumb. AAA -- OWS is the Arrogant Asshole Association.
So true. Anyone or anything that doesn't align must be silenced! lol
I'm not surprised to hear about CHAOS in the chat room.
Do you get that same impression of chaos on this forum?
Four and a half hours ago, a well-known troll by the name of "figero" posted this : "Forum Post: MILF Karma Camille Gets Drenched In Cum By Many Men"
I responded : "OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And the troll answered : "freedom of speech".
Four and a half hours later, it is still there :
So I agree with you, "creamstp" : Is this CHAOS the impression we want to give to the world about OWS?
I hit the link and there it least no one is leaving comments...I left a small one.. ;0) couldn't resist...I'm afraid this nonsense will come back and bite us big time....very disheartening...thought we were much smarter than that...
Don't reply to trolls.
Americans ignore the insanity and incompetence of the government
Let's begin with the budget and the squandering of trillions of dollars on more and more weapons. Only raving maniacs would create the American foreign policy and defense policy. Americans do it with a straight face as if they were sophisticated and educated people.
The economists and bankers in America have created policies that allow and promote wild gambling with derivatives that they claim are complex as if they worked. They worked to destroy the banking system and put 50,000,000 Americans out of work with the globalization policy that is nothing more than simple slavery of Chinese workers. That slavery is hidden behind the bogus claim that China's currency is too strong. If China allowed its currency to rise in value to the dollar, the US debt they own $1.137 trillion (the same as it was in August 2010) would be paid back with half of what they loaned.
The Chinese government isn't stupid. They aren't going to take half of what they loaned. The American people are completely uninformed nitwits who have no clue that the government they believe can't be voted out of office with a 3rd party, would be gone if they heard what SCREWED AGAIN is trying to publish for them.
The ignorance and incompetence of the American government is displayed by the liars that divert attention to 9/11 every day. The American people refuse to hear about and understand the evidence that proves clearly the 9/11 was a direct attack by Bush who was warned officially more than 40 times and chose to use the Al-Qaeda attack as a false flag for the incidents revealed by SCREWED AGAIN.
I don't know what to think about you steve. You seem like an intelligent guy, but why are you here? Sure many Americans are stupid, but instead of vilifying them, you should feel compassion, they're the product of a half a century of very deliberate, controlled 'dumbing-down.' Do some research on the effectiveness of media propaganda and mind-control (or at least 'mind-influence'). And the comment about American people refusing to hear about or understand the truth behind 9/11 is patently untrue. There are literally hundreds of websites (not all very good, of course) devoted to uncovering and spreading the truth as well as a number of books (check out the website 'Center for an Informed America). Many of the ones that don't want to believe aren't necessarily stupid, it's called trust (although blind trust may be more apt). No offense intended, I just wonder why you're here. Unless it's just to push your blog.
Your knowledge of the 9/11 evidence is absent. The facts and evident are blatant. Refusing to learn from a trained criminal investigator with decades of professional experience is arrogant and ignorant. Americans are in a bottomless pit that is proven by their determination to prefer total devastation from the privileged is irrational and delusional. Its one fairy tale after the next.
You are completely clueless. If I insulted you because you are protecting Bush and the other conspirators you deserve it. You are such a hypocrite you actually believe your own nonsense.
Any more questions, please feel free to ask.
Why are you here? Who are you to question anybody's motives? You are a liar or you are completely clueless, which I doubt. I don't account to you about anything. I write a blog for the same exact reason that anybody writes and publishes their ideas. Is that OK with you?
Your arrogance is very offensive. There are no membership requirements on this forum. My ideas are better than anybody else's strategy. Was Muhammad Ali brazen? Of course but Ali backed it up.
If you don't mind I love living in CT and near NYC. I like to see people happy and prosperous. I will protect my territory and fight people like you because you ows people are undermining the mission of OWS. It doesn't matter if your purpose is evil or just stupid. What matters is the result.
I push my blog the same as any writer promotes his work. My blog needs to bury the NYT and report the honest story. The NYT is the propaganda arm of government. I can prove that everyday. Every OWS should oppose the NYT and promote my blog. Read my blog and you will see it is in your interest to promote it to every OWS person there is.
Read my coverage of the Casey Anthony trial compared to the TV HLN attempt to murder her. She is absolutely innocent. The girl drowned in the pool. Read about that.
Man, you have a serious mental problem. Number 1, I said I meant no offense, I was wondering why you're here if it isn't to help. Number 2, I gave you no evidence about my position on 9/11, you simply assume I'm one of the mindless idiots that believe the party line. Did you even check the website I mentioned? If you did, you would know I believe it was an inside job. I fucking hate Bush, he's by far the stupidest President we've ever had. And you don't have any ideas, all you do on here is insult people as evidenced by your anger-filled rant. I support the OWS movement, I want to better this country or I wouldn't be on here. I've been to your blog. I would've gone back, but obviously you're a hate-filled narrow-minded individual so fuck you. Quit wasting OUR time.
Pandering to assholes is not what I do. I just tell the truth. I didn't assume anything. I read what you wrote. You aren't sure that Bush attacked us on 9/11 because you don't understand the evidence.
I'm pissed. You have that right. To not be pissed off at assholes like you who think they are God and decide if I get to be in OWS. Since you fail to know I've tried to help uninformed OWS fools sitting in the park with ridiculous notions, you are dumb. AAA -- OWS is the Arrogant Asshole Association.
I'm angry at your ignorance. Try this.
Too bad you are uninformed. That is the problem with OWS.
Corzine/MF Global ripped off customer funds. II
CNBC broadcasters reported that the CME Group is searching for $600,000,000 that vanished from customer segregated accounts that no one except Corzine had the power to rip off unless Corzine specifically involved other people. CNBC broadcasters actually believe that the $600,000,000 might be hiding someplace and might magically reappear from its hiding place. Also CNBC reported that the Obama appointed commissioner of the CFTC, Gary Gensler recused himself after he spoke with Corzine from his own job.
This will be the same as the NYC Judge and DA who protected Strauss-Kahn from a trial for raping the black hotel maid. They are going to protect ex NJ governor, ex US Senator, ex Goldman Sachs colleague Corzine from being arrested for his crime. If OWS sitting in the park near Wall Street (as if being blocks away from Wall Street gives them some knowledge) had any idea of why they are protesting, they would be screaming about the Corzine $600,000,000 crime and his privileged status by the FBI.
America has become a nation of dolts in a trance. The most powerful American leaders and their shills reporting on TV are ignorant crooks. Go back and read prior SCREWED AGAIN reporting about the CFTC and CME Group as it concerns the PIMCO fraud. The OWS protest actually believe that sitting and freezing on the ground in the park will magically force a happy ending for the misery of 50,000,000 Americans whose work is now being done by Chinese slaves. The 50,000,000 Americans have been told by the privileged to go back to school and learn a new occupation so they can return to the middle class life they had enjoyed.