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Forum Post: Loss of Profit is the Richs' only concern

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 11:35 p.m. EST by matoinyanawacis (157)
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I had always believed in the freedoms espoused by our constitutions ideas. It was a very sad day nearly 15 years ago when I learned that true justice no longer existed. I forsaw this day coming even then. I even wrote a book detailing a lot of what I forsaw coming in a post apocolyptic story line. The saddest part is seeing those things coming to fruition. The inequality present in today's society has been caused primarily by complacency and inattention by all Americans to the pus ridden corruption that is ever evident when power and money are allowed to flourish unchecked and unrestrained. There are many days of suffering ahead. The occupation is more than a good thing to make sure that that suffering does not fall by the wayside and become ignored once more. However, the rich will continue to get rich and the poor, poor up until all Americans realize that the way you get a rich persons attention is to reach for his wallet. That is to say, stop buying, using or paying for the services of any and all products and services made by any company or business that makes, assembles or services their products outside of America. Everytime you buy a product or service not American made or locally American serviced you are sending that money to that foreign nation and the pockets of the Rich and their company or stock where it more often than not manages to avoid ever paying any taxes on that income they make from your purchase of their product. I also would like to note that I was watching the news about the police raid on the Zuccotti Park OWS and the subsequent destruction of their property by the police including the destruction, demolition, defacement and disappearance of a great portion of the OWS Library... My question is does anybody else see a correlative pattern of behavior between those acts by the NY Police and what the Nazis did during their book burnings prior to WWII. The correlation being the use of brute force to dictate public policy and inviolate the constitutional in our case , and simple human rights in pre WWII germany, to have our voices heard regarding injustice and unfairness. Freedom to assemble peacefully, as mandated in our constitution does not state that we have to pay for that privilege, or that we can only assemble in one place and not another, or that we can't petition our govenment in any way we so choose suffice it to say that the sole limit is that it is to be "peaceful" which implies doing no harm to person and or personal property. As far as I am concerned, the land itself does not fall in personal property for the simple premise that man did not create it therefore he has no right to claim it for himself. He may claim the house he built ON the land, but not the land itself. That belongs to Mother Earth only. She simply allows us to live on her for the moment. But considering the damage and abuse we have caused her in the last century or so, we are soon to see a severe chastisement coming from the Mother beyond the tiny little storms and quakes of late. But I digress. The rich are only concerned with their profits. Disrupt that stream of profit and their focus will be garnered. For those who say but if I stop using my cell phone from india base company or stop paying for my china based I-pad or refuse to pay a bill to a company based out of some other foreign land I'll get a bad credit rating. To those I say, if you aren't already in the upper 2% class, you already have a bad credit rating as far as they and the government, or should I say the republican corporate whores and sycophants, are concerned. They are simply bleeding you slower so that the shock of pushing you into the class of the poor is not so noticible to you so you won't resist or fight so much against the austerity measures they are trying to get you to swallow. In any event, peaceful resistance and disrupting the flow of profit and power to the rich and the republicans will only be an available resource for a short while, just until the republicans manage to fully disenfranchise the vast majority of Americans from all their constitutionally guaranteed rights, the vote, being their highest priority. Best way to do that, get as many Americans as possible to become felons, then of course the changing the voting laws and then find new ways to discourage people from exercising what few remaining rights they may have left until they can legislate those away too. For those who can't see it, civil war is fast approaching. The Rich have been trying to recreate the Feudal system for many years, almost since this nations inception. They wish to create a TWO party class system, the Lords and Ladies, and the serfs. Take a guess as to who they see as being their serfs. Anyways, I've ranted enough for now. We are the 99% and we have the power of justice as our guide.



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[-] 1 points by itsbeentriedandfailed (29) 13 years ago

You say you want a revoulution, well you know, we all want to change the world. But then you talk of destruction, dont you know you can cout me out.

[-] 1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 13 years ago

Enlighten me, when did I refer to OWS committing destruction...if you reread properly the only destruction I refered to was the destruction of private property committed by the police against the OWS library materials, tents, etc etc. And as for my desiring a revolution, if that was all you took away from what I wrote than I'm sorry that you appear to lack the fundamental ability to understand prescient cognition of possible outcomes based on historical precedence. As I said before, history repeats itself when people fail to learn the lessons it teaches. The path this nation is on has only three directions it can take. I won't bother to identify them for you beyond what I already posted before. its all there, and in history. Learn or suffer for lack of knowledge.

[-] 1 points by itsbeentriedandfailed (29) 13 years ago

Ah, prescient cognition of possible outcomes. Is not damage to the economic system destruction? Historically, what was the outcome of protectionism during the great depression. Was it somewhat like this. http://www.voxeu.org/index.php?q=node/3280

[-] 1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 13 years ago

Sorry, I don't open links I don't know, as for destruction of economics, that you will have to question the republicans and the rich 1% about. The Repubs are the ones willing to destroy this nation all to remove one BLACK Man from the WHITE house. Save your arguments about why... unlike you I can see racism for what it is. As for the rich, they are the ones sending all the jobs to foreign nations to get slave labor to make the products we use in this country. Here a worker was paid a decent wage once upon a time, now those jobs are done by slaves who get paid the equivalent of a bowl of rice here. So please save your false righteous indignation for someone gullible enough to buy it. I happen to have an education that I received gratefully and graciously. When a rich person or company makes a product that cost them a total overhead and material cost of $1.00, they DO NOT have the right to cheat people by charging $10.00 for it. A fair profit is fine, deliberately steal someones livelihood for their own gratification is pure selfish evil. I'm sure you will hate this, but here is an analogy for you that I doubt you will understand... A man walks by a tree, he sees an apple on it, stops to eat one, loves it and decides to claim the tree for his very own... later that day another man comes by, starving, and sees the tree and heads for it to get an apple to sustain his life... but suddenly the other man steps out and says "this is my tree, you may not have any of it" to which the other man replies "why...did you create this tree?" "No." said the other "but I claim it nonetheless, go find your own tree" So the other went on. The next morning, the man awoke to find that the apples on the tree had fallen off and spoiled on the ground all because he could not eat them fast enough. So, not only does he have nothing else to eat, but he also allowed what had been there to feed many to go to waste simply because he could not sublimate his greed to possess something that never was his alone to begin with. Who created the greater suffering? The one who was starving, who couldn't find food to eat, the one who horded all the food for himself until it rotted, or the tree for failing to keep its fruit forever? I'm already assured that your animosity towards me will likely force you to cast aspersions upon my story and its morality. That's your choice.. But before you try to put me into the category of being the selfish horder, remember to look in the mirror first to discover your true nature before you judge anothers. I bet your christian, aren't you? No aspersions... I'm Native American myself....But I have read the bible... I believe there was a passage where jesus said something to the effect of "Make sure to remove the plank from your own eye before you try to remove the speck of dust from your brothers. Anyways Peace to You Wastealo Mitakuye Oyasin