Forum Post: Losing the Information War
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2012, 2:22 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
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"We are losing that information war. Al Jazeera is winning. Russia has english based news, and it's quite instructive." - Hilary Clinton
RT covers the story and it's take on world news. Calls USA "propaganda machine"
Lost it a long time ago.
I'll stick with the internet and public TV for my news.
That video is from March, 2011. What is Hillary trying to say here? She's a politician and is still getting her news from print media. Many of us get our news from the internet, We have to deal with higher volume and more BS. She doesn't seem to be saying anything at all here.
i thought it was weird.
Isn't RT trying to get a cable TV channel? I ain't paying for TV so I'll watch re-runs on Youtube. haha.
I know. Preaching to the choir. I believe politicians are very worried about print media going away.
Not just that. When she mentions things like Al Jazeera... you have to note they have competing story lines to events sometimes or talk about issues where US media might have not mentioned.