Forum Post: Looking for the 1% candidates!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 9:48 a.m. EST by migarce
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Who are the worst? Pls. see
The bailouts were started under the direction of Bush and the congress at the time. The die was cast for the first of the Obama and congressional bailouts of his administration early on. At least payback strings were attached to the later bailout as opposed to the give away practiced under Bush. Who is giving the Oprah's, Taylor Swift's money? ---The general public as a process of our choices in purchases etc,. Who is setting the outrageous pay of the corporate CEO's ---other 1% recipients of other greedy corporations who sit on the board of directors!!! The whole corrupt structure must be demolished as it is taking down the whole world economy.
No doubt! Read Wildfire:The Legislation that Ignited the Great Recession it names, one by one, those responsible for America's recession and what can be done to remedy the situation. It was written by an average American taxpayer, not some financial exec or corrupt politician.
Oprah Winfrey Steve Jobs Taylor Swift. there are some mega wealthy ones you say you hate. HUH? no no no we want to hate old white guys who remind us of Ebenezer Scrooge.
sorry kids. those are the rich ones, now go yell at them.
and lets not forget the wealthiest of them all !! the largest frivolous spender in American history! Obama. yes that's right. your messiah ,
so, rather than blaming the crack addicts why not blame the dealer? rather than blame the bail out recipients why not the liberal money thrower that gave it to them?