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Forum Post: Looking for that sense of identity

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 6:13 p.m. EST by DavitchFarynVago (128) from Massena, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS; I apologize. Nothing ever goes as planned. But you know that. nothing I say in this e-mail may be construed as any kind of end-time philosophy and moreover, neither can it be portrayed as some sort of cultish new-age (evolution.) I am not like some of the others, who say they see different parts of the same picture. I also see where those many parts of that puzzle fit together on a beautiful landscape to create a breathtaking mosaic of identity, both from an individual view and a collective perspective. But again, not as Nations, colors and creeds, but as a species.

 It is at this juncture in time, and it is at these points in these protests, that we will demand that all nations set down their weapons of war that have perpetually drained our global treasure from our young.  These weapons and wars keep us forever watchful and even fearful of our neighbors.  That makes common goals between us seem like insane plots for war.  This must end before anything else can begin.  I say it now, and I will say it over and over again.  Before ANYTHING else can be accomplished, we must put down our weapons and agree to a lasting peace.  One that all of us can live peacefully within.  Demand number#  1.



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[-] 1 points by beyondmoney22 (233) 13 years ago

that is definitely the first step after a worldwide network of likemindeness is established. it has to be done simultaneously starting with the super powers.