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Forum Post: looking for ideas to engage those who support the movement but can't protest daily.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 3:08 p.m. EST by annie (132) from San Diego, CA
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I want to spread the word in my community. I find that people who support the movement but aren't the protesting type engage when there is a list of other actions they can participate in...for instance, the "move your money" campaign was very successful and continues to be. Signing the petition to get money out of politics (getmoneyout.org). The call to not shop on Nov. 25th...black friday. etc. These are all things that keep people engaged. More creative ideas that have called more to action....the you tube video where you send back the prepaid solicitation credit card envelopes to the company packed full with recycling or whatever (the company pays the shipping!) with a note that says 99%... One more...the wonderful you tube video of a mom who brought sidewalk chalk to the playground, doodled some 99%'s while her kids played, came back the next day to find the sidewalks all around the playground filled with occupy support....

Anyway, my point....these kinds of activities for folks who can't or won't protest daily HELP everyone to feel the message seeping into everyday consciousness. Many of us are trailblazers but there are many who are are hesitant to become activists of any kind. This display of support in all sorts of ways really makes an impact.

Any more ideas, petitions, websites, creative ideas are appreciated. I will spread the word on the community facebook page Occupy Daily. Lots of people want to help but don't know how. Protesters are the brave and wonderful frontline folks. Lets engage the rest of the 99%!!



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[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

look how industrious we are when there is purpose.