Forum Post: Looking for Fraud in All the Wrong Places
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 30, 2013, 12:54 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The last official figure calculated by the GAO estimated that the crop insurance program lost $117 million to “fraud, waste and abuse” in 2005, or about 4.3 percent of the program's $2.7 billion cost that year. Crop insurance spending has since expanded to roughly $9 billion. Food stamp fraud, by contrast, accounts for about 1 percent of the program’s cost.
In March, federal investigators uncovered the largest detected crop insurance fraud ring in the country—a $100 million scheme involving insurance agents, claims adjusters, brokers and farmers in eastern North Carolina. “I can tell you it’s everywhere, all across the country,” Jimmy Thomas Sasser, a claims adjuster who was sentenced to four years in prison for his involvement, told the press.
And last month, the GAO reported another form of widespread crop-insurance fraud: payments going to dead people. The USDA likely paid out $22 million to dead farmers between 2008 and 2012, because, as the report found, the “RMA does not use [the Social Security Administration] master list of deceased individuals to verify whether its policyholders have died.”
Yeah, you have to read the rest of this here
Nothing new = Wallstreet etc
Food insecurity forces millions to skip meals, while Republicans push food stamp cuts
Truly sad - living in the land of plenty - but skipping meals to make sure there is something for tomorrow.
And then there are those morons:
OMG - Limpballs - if ever there were poster children for retroactive birth control - Limpballs would be one of em.
I know, right? He is a contender for that.
Right there with Bitch Mc, Boner, Can't-or, Bernspanky,Davey & Charley cock .....................
Daymn so many candidates - and no one has brought up the suggestion for real?
Oh, I believe that there was a bunch of nonsense about every drop of sperm being considered potential life and in certain areas I believe lots of people began to rethink their own pov. They may even behind the new push for the late, late term abortions.
Well as far as late late term abortions go? I think it only proper that they are worthy of the late procedure = Limpballs, Bitch Mc, Boner, Can't-or, Bernspanky,Davey & Charley cock, shot-gun Cheney .....................
Lisa Murkowski
oh and governors: Christie, Snyder, Scott, Daniels, Pence, Perry.
Bill Gates.
The undead - Wells Fargo AIG chase BOA Gulf BP Mobile Halliburton . . . . .
fuuuu..........I just thought of something. Do you suppose that those late, late term abortions could be done with a coat hanger?
LOL - ummmmm a wood chipper might be better - but sure I suppose - just stick em in the eye and twirl?
Nostril, maybe?
They believe in a simpler time. As if one existed. It's a coat hanger. How bad could it really be? What could go wrong?
How could I forget? Rubio, Cruz, the Paul clan and may I suggest that we dig up Reagan put him in that group.
Why-I-aught-ta . . . . . O O o o o o OH
"Nostril, maybe?"
Walk like an Egyptian..............
OHhhh Wise-guy eh ?
Yeah. Highly animated.
It's OK there are so many after-all.
The Wall-tons the Donald . . . .