Forum Post: Look At What You Are Doing
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:25 p.m. EST by YourSoDumb
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I guess my generation is showing its true colors once and for all.
All you whiners should be ashamed of yourselves. This is disgusting. Most of the people shown in this article and those who aided in trashing these cities make me sick. Grow up. Be responsible. You make America look bad.
I guess I should note that not all OWS protesters are like this. It is a shame that their are so many idiots out there making this movement look like a circus of pigs when there are clearly many involved with bright ideas and good hearts.
That is all.
I keep seeing the word "hippies" bandied about. For Gods Sake, what 1960's hole did you crawl out of? Hippies? It's unbeleivable that anyone would use that word. More unbeleivable is that anyone finds fault with people standing up for a fair and equitable system. It's about time.
I keep seeing the word "hippies" bandied about. For Gods Sake, what 1960's hole did you crawl out of? Hippies? It's unbeleivable that anyone would use that word. More unbeleivable is that anyone finds fault with people standing up for a fair and equitable system. It's about time.
Hahahaha do you see the position of their hips under that blanket? That guys would have to have a two foot dick to be doing her in that position XD Plus, in both pictures their hips haven't moved (terrible humping in my opinion). And they look more like they are talking than orgasming. You really think they would sit here and DO it with someone taking pictures??
You ever think that no name website is just sensationalizing things for views?
Or that maybe it is just a gf/bf sharing a blanket in the cold streets (I know I sleep without a shirt, (damn thing gets all tangled while I sleep)
Also, "Make America look bad"? HA!!! We are already considered the sluttiest country EVER by the rest of the world. lol Actually most countries are impressed that we have taken the effort to not be fat and lazy partiers and are actually doing something for our country.
you kinda make me wana throw mud on you.
Take a pill!
Trolling media...
Give me a break. Do you say this because you don't like what you see? I would guess that's the case. Grow up.
Are you crazy, it's deliberate or whats ? This informations are fakes !
-The man who shiting on the car is a hobbo and not a member of the movement,
-The couple is only have a break (there is a book on the blanket !, you have sex with a book on the blanket ? So difficult to keep it on !)
-Stop joking please, we are not sheep !
I scrolled over the "sex" pictures. They looked silly to me anyway. It's the trash pictures that make me sick, along with the mass amounts of people just laying around. That is what I don't like. You can't deny that is going on, because it is.
If you promote the hobo lifestyle, so be it. I don't. I like clean cities that are free of smelly hippies who expect handouts.
♫Don't feed the troll after mid-night !♪
Troll on OWS forum = someone who thinks people who expect handouts are whining idiots, and wants our free market society to thrive.
Your free market is dying all on it's own. Have you not noticed that yet?
Yep. I have noticed. I thank the federal government for that. It would be nice to see a turn around because I sure as hell don't want to live in a country or system like Europe's. All you have to do is look at the mess there in right now and how much worse it will get. All you free market protesters need to look at history. If a government brings down democracy and/or capitalism, socialism appears. Once socialism appears, it is only a matter of time before full blown COMMUNISM takes hold of a country. I would prefer not to see this great country....well once great country....continue to head in that direction. Everyone wonders why things are getting worse. Maybe it's because government is getting bigger???? Damn! Who would have thunk it?
Even if OWS looked like the tea party; or seminary students; they would hire provocateurs, and agents to create the photos that would create a backlash. Why don't you know that ?
i learned because i was curious and i wanted to and it took decades and is still going on..give these kids a chance..just being around older more experienced types will rub off..and they dont lack soul..everybody is learning..i dont see the harm in having fun while you try to change the world as long as you are not violent or harmful or 53 and i can still dance like a 22 year old..freedom and happy is good..i dont care about clothes or appearance...humans are learning to look each other in the eyes and not be afraid of each other...thats a good thing..there are only 2 emotions love or fear thats it
Having fun? You consider trashing a city as having fun?
do you live in new york? because i havent seen them trash a city from where i live in california or on any of 30 news programs web and tv??
I do. I've been down there and its awesome. I saw people scrubbing concrete last night. People scraping adhesive off of the marble benches where people had taped flyers. I also saw police run over a girl with a scooter during a march. But, what I mostly saw was a bunch of totally awesome people who are willing to voice their grievances collectively.
right on brother this one is for u and all of them i made it 3 days ago and maybe it says something...scroll at the end
Whether I live in New York or not is none of your business. However, seeing is believing.
i already told you i havent seen any destruction or violence and ive been watching carefully 10 hours a day for think that people wear patuli and play drums they are less than you?? jesus looked like them! and so did the founding fathers if you lived there and had seen with your own eyes what i havent seen then i wud consider it with an open mind..there is a hindhu saying..the thing thats in your heart is what you see around you