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Forum Post: look at how Wall Street started - The Buttonwood Agreement

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 2:47 p.m. EST by 99mainst (0)
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this history is from www.hermes-press.com: "In March 1792, twenty-four of New York City's leading merchants met secretly at Corre's Hotel to discuss ways to bring order to the securities business and to wrest it from their competitors, the auctioneers. Two months later, on May 17, 1792, these merchants signed a document named the Buttonwood Agreement, named after their traditional meeting place, a buttonwood tree. The Agreement called for the signers to trade securities only among themselves, to set trading fees, and not participate in other auctions of securities."... If twenty-four guys in NY can get together under a tree and form a national (and international) system - so can we. It is time for a new system that does not stem from manipulation and greed.



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[-] 1 points by malikov (443) from Pasadena, CA 13 years ago

Here's an idea: http://superunion.org No one joins :-(