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Forum Post: Look around

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:38 a.m. EST by getajob (0) from Kearny, NJ
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I am 69 years old. I screwed around in high school. Got a job at the A&P during high school. Played sandlot sports, quit high school sports, rather work, buy a car, and chase girls. Went one semester to Newark College of Engineering, left that and got a job at NCR. Married my high school sweetheart and had two kids. Quit my job at age 29, and started a business machine company. Then two software companies, one leasing company, built four homes, and started a realty company. During all those years I learned two specific things; get up in the moring and show up for work. And John Patterson, the inventor of the cash register, National Cash Register (NCR) often told his prospects the reason they needed a cash register was: 20% of the people are always honest, 20% of the people are always dishonest, and 60% of the people could be dishonest if given the chance. His analogy fits most thing in life: 20-20-60, you find it in all segments of society. One example is the social programs provided by the govenment, 60% may join in given the chance! The point is the more social programs, the more people taking part. Quit looking for somebody else to give you more, got get it, I did. So did my father, and his.

Let the rich earn their money, they spend it, look around, their spending creats jobs.

Walmart, that mentality is the problem, we love cheap labor and cheaper products. Read the labels in your clothing, the cars you drive.

WWII, how can a person of Jewish decent drive a German car, how did all the Japanese cars come to this country. Don't blame the rich, your spending the money and you are buying these items!

You wonder where the jobs are, look across the seas. They have the jobs because your the buyer, just like drugs.



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