Forum Post: Long Overdue
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:38 p.m. EST by BadBlueBird
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have watched silently the past 28 years as my adopted country slowely drifted down what I considered the wrong path. Back then I was a young immigrant, not used to the ways of my new home, and content to sit back and just mind my own business.
As the rights of individuals were eroded gradually, I wondered whether the people would just stand still and let this continue, wilding away their time on reality TV and the like.
Well it seems they have finally taken a stand. All I can say is: it is about time!
You young people gratify me. For while you may not have determined what path to embark on, you have come to the realization that the current path is untenable. It is an important first step. Bravo!
I admonish you as follows: to get real change, you must have a platform that has general consensus. Then you must fight for it tooth and nail. Those that are used to privilege never surrender it easily.
A platform that has general consesus means that you must necessarily sacrifice some of the things that are near and dear to you. But that must be done. If not you will end up with "a Tower of Babel."
So far you have shown commitment beyond what I thought you would. Take the next step. Let's change the politics of this country forever. Let's achieve real democracy.
This is a real democracy. Economic disparity has existed for thousands of years, and yet these people still have car, phone, internet, McDonald's happy meals, and air conditioning. Things which the "privileged" did not enjoy just one hundred years ago. If there is anyone who has built a tower of babel, it is Bill Clinton, claiming he is responsible for America's prosperity rather than the grace of God.
Here we go again with hyperbole and generic rhetoric. To achieve any end as a individual in a civilized society you should:
(1) identify the changes you seek, (2) frame them in clear and specific terms, (3) identify how the change is to be achieved, (4) pursue that change.
Here, step (1) isn't even approached. We hear of a generic doom and gloom and, the illogical reader is left with the obvious conclusion of wanting to take to the streets. When they get there, they have no clue what they are doing, except simply protesting who knows what.
Recall the "duck" scene from Monty Python...
Exactly. Many more people will come to your side when you are proactive (for “new” Business & Government solutions), instead of reactive (against “old” Business & Government solutions), which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive “new” strategy that implements all our various socioeconomic demands at the same time, regardless of party, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves; that is, using a Focused Direct Democracy organized according to our current Occupations & Generations. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategically Weighted Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
because we need 100,000 “support clicks” at to support a Presidential Candidate -- such as any given political opportunist you'd like to draft -- in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Most importantly, remember, as cited in the first link, that as Bank Owner-Voters in your 1 of 48 "new" Business Investment Groups (or "new" Congressional Committees) you become the "new" Congress replacing the "old" Congress according to your current Occupation & Generation, called a Focused Direct Democracy.
Therefore, any Candidate (or Leader) therein, regardless of party, is a straw man, a puppet; it's the STRATEGY – the sequence of steps – that the people organize themselves under, in Military Internet Formation of their Individual Purchasing & Group Investment Power, that's important. In this, sequence is key.
Why? Because there are Natural Social Laws – in mathematical sequence – that are just like Natural Physical Laws, such as the Law of Gravity. You must follow those Natural Social Laws or the result will be Injustice, War, etc.
The FIRST step in Natural Social Law is to CONTROL the Banks as Bank Owner-Voters. If you do not, you will inevitably be UNJUSTLY EXPLOITED by the Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government who have a Legitimate Profit Motive, just like you, to do so.
Consequently, you have no choice but to become Candidates (or Leaders) yourselves as Bank Owner-Voters according to your current Occupation & Generation.
So please JOIN the 2nd link so we can make our support clicks at when called for, at exactly the right time, by an e-mail from that group, in support of the above the bank-focused platform. If so, then you will see and feel how your goals can be accomplished within the above strategy as a “new” Candidate (or Leader) of your current Occupation & Generation.