Forum Post: LOL, you idiots. you claim to understand the roots of this movement but trash my logo
Posted 12 years ago on April 27, 2012, 4:09 p.m. EST by richardkentgates
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Now take another look
You people have absolutely no sense of humor. If it looks authentic, thats because I am fucking web designer. DU
Self-promotion is a tricky thing. Huh?
Shooting the messenger is , also.
lets just say writing code is a hell of a lot easier ;)
Damn Richard, I LOVE the FED UP design. That's a real double-take!
lol, the fedex ain't mine dude :D
Oops. Sorry about that :( I do know how to put my foot in it at times.
lol, you knew that. Thx tho ;)
Hey, keep up the good work. I in no way want do discourage your efforts.
word. thx for the word of support.
I think it's very funny, Richard. But it is subtle, so maybe it requires a double-take on the part of many people to full get it. The FedUP example is more brazen and obvious, so it gets an instantaneous response. Personally, I like both of them; the direct anger of the FedUp one, and the more nuanced, layered Citizen one that is yours.
Good work.
Thx dude
But, it might take something more than a link to Wikipedia to make your point. You see, that Wikipedia article . . . . doesn't have any crayon drawings.
lol, ok. Good point. I have added an example.
Heh heh. I was kidding, of course, but if that example doesn't explain it perfectly, nothing will.
I added my website too, I have some other goodies and it's had a makeover to promote my utmost and longest lived ideological position. Not like it was making me any money anyway.
I'll check it out.
Turn your volume down :)
It drowns out the tinnitus!
lol, word
yeah, I wouldn't admit to being that naive either.
I like the new logo.
Thx, I went through 3 versions and took a total of 3 hours.
What's wrong with your Logo? It looks just fine to me. What's the issue?
The 'citi' part of his logo is identical to the Citibank logo.
Ah,didn't pick up on that.
It is subtle.