Forum Post: Logo for OCCUPY San Antonio
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 5:59 p.m. EST by Angelicatron
from San Antonio, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We're trying to come up with a logo and I wanted to see if anyone in any other city has done the same thing. I was thinking a simple OSA (Occupy San Antonio) but I'm thinking of something more open for other cities, so I was also thinking OUSA (Occupy United States of America). Maybe even just having the word OCCUPY alone can do. Anyways, does anyone else have any ideas?
Then the tagline might be: "Take out the jugular".
Well, you could design a little kite that looks like a check flying a worthless T-bond from the US Treasury.
Don't have a logo, but a possible tagline:
The Fed has been kiting checks.
just looking for a logo