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Forum Post: Logo for OCCUPY San Antonio

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 5:59 p.m. EST by Angelicatron (13) from San Antonio, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We're trying to come up with a logo and I wanted to see if anyone in any other city has done the same thing. I was thinking a simple OSA (Occupy San Antonio) but I'm thinking of something more open for other cities, so I was also thinking OUSA (Occupy United States of America). Maybe even just having the word OCCUPY alone can do. Anyways, does anyone else have any ideas?



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[-] 1 points by andrewbb (16) 13 years ago

Then the tagline might be: "Take out the jugular".

[-] 1 points by andrewbb (16) 13 years ago

Well, you could design a little kite that looks like a check flying a worthless T-bond from the US Treasury.

[-] 1 points by andrewbb (16) 13 years ago

Don't have a logo, but a possible tagline:

The Fed has been kiting checks.

[-] 1 points by Angelicatron (13) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

just looking for a logo