Forum Post: Localization
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 8:59 p.m. EST by dolfan954
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As individuals, we have to start buying local from our own soil. Here, in S. Fla, we have farmers who will sell in bulk, etc. at a guaranteed price to assist them in getting their crops in the ground. Many communities have the same situations. You don't get exactly what you want, but can get a good deal and share.
We must stay away from corporate products as much as possible.
Re-localize us! =)
please wave a sign out there that says "anti-corporate is not anti-capitalist" and for the love of God, please explain this differentiation to the masses
Tell people: We want decentralized capitalism, centralized on our MAIN STREETS, no more of this corporate capitalism, centralized on WALL STREET.
what people are confused about is confusing corporations with capitalism... anti-corporate is not anti-capitalist. this is because of corporate brainwashing that people believe this. Capitalism worked great before it became infected by the corporation, the ever-growing cancer. when you have many decentralized local economies, centralized geographically aka centralized on the MAIN STREETS, instead of being centralized upon a few gargantuan corporations aka centralized on WALLSTREET that's when capitalism REALLY works, for EVERYONE. That's when you actually have real competition between different entrepreneurs.
I agree, boycott anything non local!!!!!
Yes, this is what I've been saying too. The only way to diminish corporate power is to bring it back to the local level. the only thing a corporation is designed to do is grow - like a cancer. Upon the people and natural resources of the planet.