Forum Post: Lobbyists Are THE Problem
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 9:08 a.m. EST by EstherRowlins
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Lobbyists are more powerful than our politicians and they have no accountability....ridiculous. Please read Wildfire:The Legislation that Ignited the Great Recession if you have a chance. This book will change the status quo.
Kanye West 4 president.
Lobbyists do not only represent american business interests, but also foreign business and governments. What that means is a non citizen has better access to the people creating our laws than we do. Additionally, a foreign entity has access to the administrative branch through ambassadors and consulates, so they get double access to your government. Lobbying cuts us out of the conversation and smoothers our voices under a blanket of dollars...
They are destroying America. The other issue is morally bankrupt politicians. If they would not succumb to lobbyists bribes there would be no lobby problem.
Occupy is lobbying. Lobbying in and of itself is not evil, it is partly how people get heard. Money driven corporate that is a bit different. :)
Totally agree! Lobbying is basically the buying of influence and power. Only those with huge amounts of money get represented and it does work. I pointed that out in earlier posts. Limit campaign funding also. Why does Obama (or anyone else for that matter) need a billion dollars to run a campaign. What are they buying for that much money?? Thats enough money to run the election cycle in England for 100 years.
Painfully true. Have you read the book mentioned in my post? Great read and surprisingly simple solutions to America's recession.
Correction: Lobbyists and trolls are the problem...
Lobbyists yes, trolls are just bitter.