Forum Post: LO Freakin' L ! Ross Perot was the man for OWS !
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 7, 2012, 8:03 p.m. EST by Rico
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I was recently discussing politics with someone here talking about third party candidates and Ross Perot came up. I went to wikipedia to make sure I had some dates right, and was surprised by what they said he stood for.
"On February 20, 1992, he appeared on CNN's Larry King Live and announced his intention to run as an independent if his supporters could get his name on the ballot in all fifty states. With such declared policies as balancing the federal budget, a firm pro-choice stance on abortion, expansion of the war on drugs, ending outsourcing of jobs, support for gun control, belief in protectionism on trade, advocating the Environmental Protection Agency and enacting electronic direct democracy via "electronic town halls," he became a potential candidate and soon polled roughly even with the two major party candidates."
LOL ! Except for the expansion of the war on drugs, many of his policies seem to line up well with what I hear folks here arguing for !
I wonder how he feels about the current income inequality problem ?
I don't understand how protection trade works