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Forum Post: live, eat, breath the coming revolution

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 9:04 p.m. EST by revolutionary1 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I love this movement that is taking place here in the U.S. A.! We are sick and tired of being sick and tired plus poor. There is just one big looming problem, OUR GOVERNMENT IS NOT TAKING US SERIOUSLY! The media coverage has been very poor and no political heads are talking publicly or even trying to make refrence to what's going on with the people of this country. To make a real difference we need every polotician to wake up every morning thinking once again what can be done for the populace of this country, we need our president to acknowledge us and start making changes. And most of all if action is not taken then we the people must force changes by any means necessary. Our government has forced many laws and taxes upon us, we have been looking down the barrel of the gun for to long. All the burden always falls on the people while the people we elect to serve us, only serve their pockets and the pockets of the corporations/lobbyist they decided to work for. This governmet was never truely established to help the people, example allowing corporations to tarnish the 14th amendment to better help themselves beat the system,(Corporations are persons) and this happened well over a hundred years ago. If we are not meet by action soon, it will only be a matter of time before things get worse and violence is seen and heard in our neighborhood streets. Recognize, Rise and Resist, our time to fight is upon us.



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[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Lunacy has engulfed all Americans

Every American person who demands believing complete nonsense is in a trance that makes lunacy look mild. To not want to know that George Bush was warned more than 40 times for months before 9/11 and then FBI Director Tom Pickard jumped into Attorney General Ashcroft’s face on July 12, 2001 in Ashcroft’s office in front of many people proves beyond any doubt that Bush ordered the spectacular collapse after the Arabs’ plane hit. This is unquestionable that there are many witnesses who would be crazy to lie about what Shennon wrote and published because Ashcroft told Pickard that he didn’t want to know anything about having a terrorist attack proves they planted the explosives way before 9/11.

Nobody but Bush and his creep friends did it. Nobody on earth who could order the 9/11 crime to start the Iraq war but the only person who demanded we attack Iraq was Bush and Cheney. This is red meat for OWS but they are liberal wimps afraid to blow the whistle now that the cameras are on. First we need to go directly to NYPD headquarters demanding a meeting with the NYPD Counter terrorist command about this evidence.

For any person on earth to not want to know that Bush did that is beyond moronic. Since all people aren’t stupid, the fact can only be that they are in a brainwashed trance.

The OWS people should be using this incredible situation to be specific about Bush and all creep fiend, screwball friends who would be part of this. The fact that the OWS people are protecting Bush proves they all must be in a trance.

[-] 1 points by obamarapist (7) from Staten Island, NY 13 years ago

and prepare urself for the counter-revolution. btw, your parents are first cuzzins.

[-] 1 points by ZombiesAteYourBrains (23) 13 years ago

You Occupy Wall Street Zombies just need to realize your the ultra radical 1% that's doing more to ruin America than any corporation ever could, even if corporations were trying to hurt America- which they are NOT.

[-] 1 points by concernedinutah (102) 13 years ago

We need to end "corporate personhood!!"