Forum Post: Little Truth on Gun Control
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 8, 2013, 10:14 p.m. EST by john32
from Pittsburgh, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Happy to discuss - not interested in attacks. So Shooz and VQ - catch you guys another time.!
What's to argue?
The guys quoting raw data.
Draw a conclusion, and we'll see where it goes.
This is what happens when you allow an obsolete practice to continue beyond it's time. Bye bye Wild West! Hello 21st Century!! American Lives TRUMP guns!!!
Not seeing any of the stats from the video on your does it contradict whats in the video?
Keep looking, lots of links.
Good post. Your getting about as much attention as mine.
I think these posts make so much sense that folks around here would rather they disappear down the forum.
No, you keep using different user names because that is what you are paid to do and you keep saying the same crap. You suck.